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Showing posts with label Kathryn Perez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kathryn Perez. Show all posts

Therapy by Kathryn Perez #Review

Title: Therapy
Author: Kathryn Perez
Series: Therapy #1
Published: February 2014

I’m needy.

I’m broken.

Cutting breaks through my numbness, but only opens more wounds.

Depression, self-harm, bullying....that's my reality.

Sex and guys....that's my escape.

The space between the truth and lies is blurred leaving me torn, lost and confused. And while the monsters that live in my head try to beat me-- the two men that I love try to save me.

This is my story of friendship, heartache, and the grueling journey that is mental-illness.

Sometimes you have to get lost in order to be found…

Five Stars

You know when you start to read a book that you've had on your kindle for awhile and you start reading and don't want to stop and you think 'what took me so long to read this?' Yeah, that was me about 5% in!

Therapy was an amazing story of a girls heart-achingly beautiful journey to become who she was meant to be, even while battling her demons!

I know better than anyone how easy it can be to fool people and hide your darkest secrets inside. Because I do it every day.

This book, certain parts I should say, were very difficult to read. Especially since I have a daughter of my own, I kept 'thinking where are the parents?' 'Why doesn't anyone see what's happening here?' - when it comes to bullying I HAVE NO TOLERANCE!! The way that Jessica suffered at the hands of classmates, the ignorance of the school and the neglect of her parents had me actually going from growling at the book to having tears run down my face. Jessica's story had my emotions all over the map!

I keep saying Jessica's story, because even thought the secondary characters were amazing as well, this is ALL ABOUT JESS! Her journey!

I adored both Jace and Kingsley and my heart broke for both of them at times, and I wanted to shake Jace and scream at Jess and really just hug Kingsley but all in all this was a beautiful ride and I am thrilled to say I finally took it! I am a huge fan of emotional stories, the more emotion an author can bring out of me, the more I love them. This author truly has a gift for making my heart ache...and I loved every minute!

Accepting the ugly shit in life is just part of living. Pain tells us we are still here; it lets us know we've survived.

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About the Author:
Kathryn lives in her small East Texas hometown with her family. She 's a music infused writer and self-proclaimed book junkie. When she isn't listening to music, writing or reading you'll probably find her watching her favorite sport, UFC.
Kathryn is also an anti-bullying advocate and avid supporter of mental-illness and suicide awareness.