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Showing posts with label Kate Givans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kate Givans. Show all posts

Blog Tour ~ Unraveled (Tortured Soul #2) by Kate Givans

Ready to find out what has Willow running?

I get that you probably hate me. I don't blame you. You'll probably hate me even more once this is all over. That's okay, too. Honestly, I hate myself. But before you make any judgments about me, you should know I never planned for things to go this way. I really do love him, and I never meant to hurt him. It's just that some things are better left unsaid. Some secrets are meant to be kept.
Still, I can't help feeling like I've just made the biggest mistake of my life.
My name is Willow Lansing. I'm a gypsy, a vagabond, stealer of hearts.
And it feels like I'm unraveling at the seams.
I sat at the dinette, map unfolded in front of me, sipping at my extra cream and extra sugar mug of coffee. Hot chocolate might have been my drink of choice, but days like this one required caffeine.
We had a full day of driving ahead of us, and I needed to get us off the highway we were on. But in order to do that, I needed to have at least some sort of idea as to where we were going. I hated doing that, though—planning our destination. I felt like it made us easier to track. Suspicious, I know, but I’d apparently become a little paranoid. Rightly so, considering the razorblades ripping my heart to shreds over not leaving sooner, for letting myself fall in love, and putting everything at risk.
How could I have been so stupid? So damned careless?
Oh, that’s right . . . Josh.
Just the thought of him triggered a pang in my chest, one so painfully raw, I was sure my heart would fall right out onto the table, leaving behind a gaping hole in my chest so deep and wide that it’d never be filled again. Not by anything or anyone. Because there wasn’t a single person or thing on this earth could ever give me what he had given me, something I’d desperately needed when he’d found me on that bridge.
As I’d stood up on that ledge that night, looking out over the water, I thought of how easy it would be to just end it all. I wouldn’t do it, not as long as Mya needed me. But there’d still been this sobering realization just before he showed up . . . if I fell, there would be no one there to catch me. No one to rescue me. Only me and the sky and the ground below.
So I'd just have to learn how to fly.
Not literally, of course, but figuratively.
Josh had been the one to give me wings with his willingness to help a complete stranger, a crazy girl standing on a bridge, ready to plummet to her death—or at the very least contemplating the idea. They grew stronger as I got to know him, learned just how kind, gentle, caring, and sensitive he really was. I bloomed under his attention, his affection, his love. And for the first time in a very long time, I felt free. He had been more than I ever could have wished for, perfect in every way.
But none of that mattered in the end—not his beautiful soul, not his deep laugh that warmed me from the inside out, not the way he loved me without question, limitations, or conditions. It couldn't, no matter how much I wanted it to. Because things with wings have to fly in order to survive.
And that’s exactly what I’d done.
Black and white grunge image of a beautiful teenage girl sitting on the floor crying
***Unraveled is NOT a standalone book, you Must read Tortured first.***   
They say time heals all wounds. I beg to differ. It’s been more than a year since the crash that killed my best friend. Everyone else has moved on with their lives – his girlfriend, his parents, our friends - everyone except me. But they weren’t there. They don’t have to relive that horrible night, over and over, like some sick, twisted movie. I didn’t ask for it, and I couldn’t make it stop. Then I met Willow. With her unwavering compassion and carefree spirit, she put some slack in the chains holding me to my past. Her bubbly optimism has taught me what it means to walk away from tragedy and loss a better, stronger man.
There’s just one problem. Underneath all that beauty, she’s secretive. Evasive. I’m pretty sure she’s running from something, but I don’t know what. The closer I get to finding out, the more it seems as if she’s just another link in my chains of torture.
Tortured Purchase Links
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About Kate
Contemporary romance author Kate Givans drags her broken characters through unimaginable pain and loss before handing them a well-deserved happy ending. When not writing, you can find Kate relaxing with a book, herding up her five children, or listening to music on her iPod. She always has a cup of coffee in hand, and no one will ever convince her that chocolate isn’t a food group. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter, and be sure to join her book club for a free and exclusive copy of Imprisoned (Tortured Soul 0.5).
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Don't forget to join Kate's book-club to receive the exclusive free copy of Imprisoned, Tortured Souls #0.5

Cover Reveal ~ Unraveled (Tortured Souls #2) by Kate Givans

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Release Date: June 15th, 2015
This is NOT a standalone. To enjoy Unraveled (Tortured Soul #2), you must first read Tortured (Tortured Soul #1)
**Please note that this book may be highly triggering as it contains violent, graphic sexual content and the abuse of minor children.**
I get that you probably hate me. I don't blame you. You'll probably hate me even more once this is all over. That's okay, too. Honestly, I hate myself. But before you make any judgments about me, you should know I never planned for things to go this way. I really do love him, and I never meant to hurt him. It's just that some things are better left unsaid. Some secrets are meant to be kept. Still, I can't help feeling like I've just made the biggest mistake of my life. My name is Willow Lansing. I'm a gypsy, a vagabond, stealer of hearts. And it feels like I'm unraveling at the seams.
 It’d been nearly noon by the time we managed to get back on the road. Mya sat buckled into her safety belt at the dinette in the back, watching her new movie, the same one she’d watched at “Nana Jan’s.” Cole worked on making everyone lunch. And me? I just tried to keep my eyes and my mind focused on the road . . . but gods I hated the Midwest. All that flat land reminded me of those old black and white cartoons, the ones where you could tell they used the same handful of frames over and over, rehashing them into a seemingly endless loop. A cow here. A corn field there. A hill every thirty minutes or so. A patch of trees or a lake about every hour. Some folks say the Midwest has its own beauty, that there’s something amazing about being able to see for miles around. Whatever. I’d take the mountains or the forests, hell, even the plateaus of the desert over this . . . this . . . emptiness. It made the minutes feel like hours and the hours feel like days. We hadn’t even made it to Oklahoma City yet—less than two hours from where we’d started—and I already wanted a nap. Not that I could take one. We needed to at least make it to Texas that day. And after that . . . I didn’t know. I still hadn’t decided where we’d land next. I tried to fool myself into believing it had more to do with not wanting to make too obvious of a choice, but the ache in my chest told me differently, reminded me that my indecisiveness had everything to do with wanting to turn the rig back around and head back to Emporia. I loved that crazy, quirky college town. I missed its brick streets and funky vintage shops and restaurants. The way the weather would turn at the drop of a hat. How no one really seemed to notice me or my eccentric style, thanks to the throngs of college students constantly coming in and out of town for classes and holidays and breaks. Most of all, I missed Josh. A part of me wished he could have seen the warnings for what they really were—a way to keep that distance between us, to save him from more pain than necessary, a sacrifice of my own heart to save his. It would have made things easier on him. But the damage had been done, and all I could do was hope that I hadn’t done any irreparable damage to his kind heart or beautiful soul. Ah, who was I kidding? I’m nobody . . . nobody special, anyway. Not someone worthy of his love and affection, and certainly not worthy of his heartache. He deserved better, that’s for certain. Obvious, even. But I had underestimated just how much I needed him—the way he looked at me, the way he touched me, the way he treated me like a normal girl . . . a girl that didn’t have ghosts and secrets and demons and a fucked up past. Too bad it had all been a lie.   
About Tortured (Tortured Soul #1) 
"There are certain stories that leave you feeling empty, that touch your soul and rock you to the core in ways that are not always pretty. Tortured is one of those books, its roughness, sadness and broken characters will touch every fiber of your being." - Reading, Dreaming "Genuine, moving, and reminds us that there's hope for all of us." - Rachael Wade "A highly emotional and touching story." - My e-Literate Obsession WARNING: This book is intended for 18+ readers ONLY. Potentially triggering content and concepts in books to follow. A contemporary romantic drama about loss, healing, and love's ability to reach beyond scars and secrets, no matter how deep or hidden. More than a year after the death of his best friend, Josh is still tormented by the past. Everything changes when free-spirited Willow barges into his life. She challenges him, helps him feel something other than the overwhelming pain, sadness, and anger. There’s just one problem. Underneath that carefree spirit, Willow is elusive and secretive. Josh believes she may be fighting a few demons of her own, but the harder he tries to uncover the truth, the more she pushes him away. Can Josh get her to open up before it’s too late? Or will he discover that some secrets are better left untold?
  About Kate Givans
bio photo
Kate Givans may be a bit quirky and slightly off-key, but there's more to this contemporary romance author than her oddities and eccentricities.
Familiar with some of the more difficult aspects of life, Kate loves complicated characters. More accurately, she loves dragging hers through unimaginable pain and loss. But she isn't completely heartless. In fact, she's a tad obsessed with making sure her characters receive the happily-ever-afters that are often so elusive in real life.
When she's not writing, you'll find her curled up with a book, talking about books, drowning in coffee, herding up her five kids, watching a movie with her amazingly supportive husband, or binging on one of her favorite shows.
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#BlogTour ~ Tortured (Tortured Soul #1) by Kate Givans

A contemporary romantic drama about loss, healing, and love's ability to reach beyond scars and secrets, no matter how deep or hidden.

WARNING: This book is intended for 18+ readers ONLY. Potentially triggering content and concepts in books to follow.

More than a year after the death of his best friend, Josh is still tormented by the past. Everything changes when free-spirited Willow barges into his life. She challenges him, helps him feel something other than the overwhelming pain, sadness, and anger.

There’s just one problem.

Underneath that carefree spirit, Willow is elusive and secretive. Josh believes she may be fighting a few demons of her own, but he harder he tries to uncover the truth, the more she pushes him away.

Can Josh get her to open up before it’s too late? Or will he discover that some secrets are better left untold?
About Kate
Quirky, clumsy, and always a little off-key, Kate Givans has always loved books and the words contained within. Now that she’s writing the stories, she’s filling them with broken characters, angst, and even a few of those happily-ever-afters that seem to evade us in real life.

When not writing, this gypsy-hearted wife and mother of five can be found guzzling coffee, day-dreaming, dancing for no reason at all, playing with the voices in her head, watching her favorite shows (Originals, Grey’s, OUAT, The Following), listening to music, and reminding herself to “breathe.”
Connect with Kate
Four Solid Stars

**Possible spoilers ahead**

To me, death is peace. Peace from pain, and from an existence much worse than death: torture.

First things first: This was a fantastic debut novel. I honestly couldn’t believe how well written this story was; and from a first time author. BRAVO, Kate!!

Secondly: This was not an easy read.

There. Whew! I thought I’d get that out of the way only because this was far from a typical romance story. I wouldn’t necessarily call it dark or anything like that, but parts of this did make me want to jump off the emotional rollercoaster. However, I was drawn to story, so much so that after I jumped off the ride, I had to pick it right back up and jump back in.

I knew so little about her past, but I knew her present. She was a friend, a lover, an old soul that connected with me on a level that couldn’t be explained.

Ok. How do I accurately describe Josh and Willow? The words broken and complicated come to mind.

Josh is going through a lot in his life. After the death of his best friend, in which he blames himself for, he almost completely shuts people out of his life. He has no room for complications or relationships. But when Willow suddenly enters his life, he finds himself being drawn by her free spirit. The draw she has on him was almost instantaneous and he had no choice but to see where it would lead.

All I’d wanted was for her to open up to me, to let me in, let me love her and for her to love me back. I hadn’t ever considered whether or not the relationship would be healthy for either one of us.

Willow is full of secrets; a whole boatload of them. This woman remains a pure mystery to Josh, and if I’m being honest, me. She was such a whirlwind of energy that I understood why Josh was drawn to her. But as much as she wants to be with Josh, something is holding her back.

“I hide for a reason, Josh.”

That quote right there says A LOT! I had big issues with Willow, like HUGE. The biggest of them all was that I knew nothing about her. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. I liked her free spirit attitude, but that wasn’t enough. I wanted to make sure that whoever this chick is, she deserves my beloved Josh.

This book isn't all rainbows and butterflies. In fact, we deal with a lot of heavy emotions. And I will warn you: This is NOT a standalone and there are two more parts of the series. I know, I know…not all of us are fans of these types of books, especially me, but I’m really happy to have given it a chance. I’m definitely looking forward to reading the next book. Bravo, Kate!
     I first met Willow out on Old Mill Road. Standing on the ledge of the arched concrete bridge, her arms spread wide, she looked like a bird about to take flight. I probably would have taken more time to admire the absolute freedom she embodied in that moment, the auburn curls whipping around her upturned face, the way the moonlight made her porcelain skin shimmer…but it looked like she was about to jump.

     I remember my hesitation, how desperately I wanted to turn back the way I’d come and pretend I’d never seen her. I know it makes me sound like an insensitive prick, but I wasn’t exactly thrilled at having the life or death of some crazy chick thrown in my lap. Not that I didn’t understand, at least on some level, what might be going through her head. Hell, I knew, better than most, what it meant to feel like life would never get better.

     It’d only been six weeks since my release from Shady Oak’s mental facility. I wasn’t the person to talk her down; I didn’t know the first thing about helping someone find the light at the end of the tunnel. Hell, I still had days that I’d much rather jump right along with her than try and brave another day.

     Thankfully, that particular day hadn’t been one of them.

     I stood there a few moments longer, considering my options. I could turn around and go back the way I came, but I wasn’t exactly up for that. I could go past her and risk spooking her, but the last thing I needed was the aftermath of watching her plummet to her death – calling the police, filing a report, explaining what had happened. It wouldn’t hurt to at least try and talk her off the ledge, right?

     Having made my decision, I edged cautiously along the gravel path, taking slow and calculated steps towards bird-girl. Stopping just feet away from her, I weighed the risk of grabbing ahold of the oversized sweater jacket she was wearing. My luck, the damn thing would come clean off and she’d end up in the water anyway, so I decided against it.

     I was still trying to decide how to go about helping her when she spoke, voice confident as she kept her face upturned towards the night sky. “I’m not going to jump.”

     I cleared my throat and hoped to God the irritation didn’t seep through. “No offense, miss, but that’s not what it looks like from here.”

     Her head tilted slightly, as if she were trying to shrug, but the movement came up short. I waited for some other response, but the uncomfortable silence stretched on, giving me the impression that my presence was both unwanted and unnecessary.

     “Well, you…uh, have a nice night,” I finally said, taking a couple backward steps towards town.

     “You could join me.” Her words, prying and inquisitive, stopped me dead in my tracks.

     “Yeeaaah….Thanks, but I prefer to keep my feet on the ground.”

     She chuckled. The light, carefree sound intrigued and, for some unknown reason, annoyed me all at once. Maybe because I’d never laughed like that. Hell, I didn’t know anyone that had. It left me questioning what the hell she was doing up there in the first place.

     Crazy. Definitely crazy.

     Determined to get as far away from her as possible, I started backing away. I didn’t make it but a few steps when she glanced over her shoulder at me. The wide-eyed conviction in her sparkling, crystal blue eyes ensnared me, rooted me to the ground beneath my feet.

     “How will you ever learn to fly if you don’t take time to spread your wings?” she asked.

     And just like that, the pull I’d felt just seconds before shook free, floating away with the cold, bitter wind. I’d taken enough rides on the crazy train to last a lifetime. “Well, anyway. It was, uh, nice meeting you.” 

Get Scared, Built for Blame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k82La8Lkra8
The Fray, How to Save a Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjVQ36NhbMk
Jasmine Thomspon, Everybody Hurts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWGL3SbhLDQ
Goo Goo Dolls, Before It’s Too Late: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtSAIhP1-5s
Evanescence, Bring Me to Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YxaaGgTQYM
Little Green Cars, The John Wayne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJEVkuNsEi0
Breaking Benjamin, Diary of Jane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWaB4PXCwFU

#CoverReveal ~ Tortured (Tortured Souls #1) by Kate Givans

Release Date
July 2014
A dark and gritty, contemporary adult novel about loss, healing, and love’s ability to reach beyond scars and secrets, no matter how deep or hidden. 

WARNING: Due to sexual content and graphic nature of some scenes, this book is intended for 18+ readers ONLY. Potentially triggering content and concepts in books to follow. 

More than a year after the death of his best friend, Josh is still tormented by the past. Everything changes when free-spirited Willow barges into his life. She challenges him, helps him feel something other than the overwhelming pain, sadness, and anger. 

There’s just one problem. 

Underneath that carefree spirit, Willow is elusive and secretive. Josh believes she may be fighting a few demons of her own, but he harder he tries to uncover the truth, the more she pushes him away. 

Can Josh get her to open up before it’s too late? Or will he discover that some secrets are better left untold?
Author Bio
Quirky, clumsy, and always a little off-key, Kate Givans has always loved books and the words contained within. Now that she’s writing the stories, she’s filling them with broken characters, angst, and even a few of those happily-ever-afters that seem to evade us in real life.

When not writing, this wife and mother of five can be found guzzling coffee, day-dreaming, dancing for no reason at all, playing with the voices in her head, watching her favorite shows (Originals, Grey’s, OUAT, The Following), listening to music, and reminding herself to “breathe.”

Connect with Kate