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Showing posts with label K.A. Linde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label K.A. Linde. Show all posts

Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2) by K.A. Linde

Lexi has finally given up her once destructive relationships and moved onto bigger and better things with a sexy new man in town. Just when she is starting to figure it out with him, her world is tilted once again with a phone call from none other than Ramsey Bridges. A year after his entrance into her life, Ramsey is trying to make amends and does the one thing she never expects—invites her to Jack's wedding.

The wedding she had evaded at all costs. But no matter what she does, Lexi can't seem to escape her past with Jack. But does she really want to?

Despite the explosive chemistry between Lexi and Ramsey, she is skeptical about trusting him after everything that has happened. When things are amiss with him, she starts questioning his motives. Can Ramsey be the one to remove Jack from Lexi's life permanently or should she move on with her blossoming new life?

Five Stars

The yellow tape surrounds the area; the sirens have all been silenced. The damage has been done. Everyone injured has been patched up and sent for further treatment. The train wreck is over. There’s nothing more to see here. 

Once again, I am a mess. This emotional rollercoaster ride has come to an end; well, at least for now. Wow! This was just like the first book. My emotions were all over the place. Just check out my status updates, you’ll see just how screwed up I was. I literally had to take a break after every chapter and perform deep breathing exercises just to calm my ass down. I’ve never been so worked up before. This story, along with book one, has made a mess out of me. Do not fret…it’s a good type of mess ;-)

Immediately after I read this, a smile crept up my face. I loved the ending, though I wish there was an epilogue. **hint hint**. I’m sad that this ended and I’m hoping for more in the future, but for right now; for this very second, the biggest reason why I have a smile on my face is because I made it through intact and in one piece. 

***Please do not read further if you have not read book one, Avoiding Commitment. Possible spoilers ahead***

♥♥ Ramsey ♥♥: I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. You have earned a coveted place as one of my all time favorite book boyfriends. I do not care about your past. I don’t even care that you’re related to the evil spawn bitch Bekah. I LOVE YOU. What you did for Lexi is beyond sweet. You stayed by her side and stuck up for her and it was by far, the sweetest gesture you could’ve done to show her you loved her. My heart just melted. You are amazing!

Lexi: Chica, I’m so proud of you!!! Yes, I questioned some of your decisions, but we all have to learn from our mistakes. You definitely learned your lesson the hard way, and I’m so happy that Jack is now out of the picture. When you kneed him in the cojones, I screamed out, “yes! It’s about time!! Woohoo!!” You definitely earned the right to date my Ramsey. Please treat him good. If you hurt him, I will come after you! 

Jack: I’m glad I denounced you after the first book. You haven’t changed one bit since the first book. I can’t believe all the extra drama you caused in this book. Ughh! Why do you have to be so freaking charming and sleazy at the same time Gahhh! I can never figure you out.

Bekah: I still hate you. More so now, than ever before. OMG! You are so f**king delusional! You are so malicious and callous. Jack will never fully love you. 

Chyna & Adam: I’m so happy you two are together! I wish you two all the best. ♥

**SIGH** Ok. I’m totally spent. I love this book. I love both stories. They caused me nothing but angst and tons of emotional outbursts, but it was all worth it. When these two are officially available in book form, I will happily run out and add them to my shelf collection. They are a must have in my opinion. I never thought I would enjoy a story with so much torment and anguish, but K.A. Linde proved me wrong. A definite must read!

Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding #1) by K.A. Linde

Jack and Lexi never had a typical relationship. After 2 years without speaking, she receives a phone call that changes everything. He unexpectedly asks her to convince the new girl, Bekah, that he's ready to commit. Jack is calling now after everything they had been through because there is another woman. She can't believe it. 

Follow Lexi in this heart wrenching drama as she relives her past relationship, or lack thereof, with Jack, and not just in her own mind, but to his fiance-to-be. Throw in Bekah's hot brother who always seems to be in the right place at the right time, a past with more secrets to unravel than you can even imagine, and you get a recipe for disaster. 

Find out what happens to Lexi as she travels to Atlanta to get the closure she so desperately desires from Jack, and how the bumps of life seem to keep getting in the way.

4.75 Stars

They were not a couple. They were lovers and most definitely in love. Yet, they were a disaster together.

Warning: I tend to use a lot of expletives when I’m emotional. This book, my friends, has made an emotional wreck out of me. So be warned, I will cuss and swear, a lot, in this review :)

I’m a total mess. I think I just had a minor stroke. My speech is slurred, I feel weak all over, and I’ve lost all ability to think straight. They need a support group for those who read this book. I need a place to vent. I feel like punching something, or better yet, I want to virtually slap a few characters in this book. My heart hurts and my mind is in chaos. Listen to me, and listen to me good. This story will fuck with you. It will fuck you over and over again to the point where you want to scream “stop,” but just can’t. 

Though this story does not involve whips or chains, I would still categorize it as an S&M book. Why? Simply because Jack dished out the pain over and over again and Lexi just keeps coming back for more. The emotional damage these two inflicted on each other is beyond any physical pain one can endure. I don’t know how I made it this far, but like Lexi, I just keep coming back for more. The masochist in me wanted to feel the pain and I desperately wanted to know how it will all pan out. 

**The following may have spoilers**

Jack: You are a sadist and the worst kind of character. I love and hate you at the same time. I love your charm and the alpha-ness in you. The fact you have this unattainable quality, makes me want you even more. However, I loathe the fact that you’re selfish, destructive, and manipulative. You keep dangling this “relationship” carrot constantly in front of Lexi without remorse or regret. You constantly inflict heartache and misery every time you re-enter her life. So no matter how charming or sexy you are, I made up my mind that you are just a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You hurt me severely and I will no longer fall for your antics. You are officially on my shit list. I denounce you!

Lexi stayed outside for a minute contemplating how she had allowed things to get so out of control. She had promised herself she wouldn’t let this happen, but when push comes to shove, literally, she couldn’t say no to him. If she were to do it all over again, she’d make the same goddamn mistake. 

Girl, you desperately need an intervention. All the warning signs are there, but you won’t listen to them. No wait, strike that, you won’t act upon those warnings. You know Jack is hazardous to your health, but you keep letting him back in. He hurt you, sweetie. The damage he always leaves behind should serve as a constant reminder of how he always drags you down. As much as I want to slap you and make you see clearly, I get it, he’s your kryptonite. Nevertheless, you need to shut him out permanently, otherwise you won’t be able to move forward with your life. 

Bekah: I literally hate you. You are a one manipulative, delusional bitch. There were times where I felt sorry for you, but man, you played me. If you were real, I would so go postal on your ass! (view spoiler)

Ramsey: I love you. You are a mystery to me, but I don’t care. If Lexi doesn’t want you, I’ll have you. I hope to God that whatever Bekah said about you isn’t true. There’s no way you could’ve faked all that. I’m crossing my fingers for you in the next book. 

Chyna: You are one kick-ass BFF. If you were real, we can totally party it up!

Whew! Okay, now that I have most of that out of my system, I will be delving into book two now. I should wait until all my feelings are in check, but man, I'm severely curious to found out how this mind fuck of a story ends. If you like angst to the millionth power and love to be tormented, read this!