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Showing posts with label Joya Ryan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joya Ryan. Show all posts

Breathe You In (Sweet Torment 1) by Joya Ryan Guest post, Signed paperback #giveaway

Title: Breathe You In
Author: Joya Ryan
Series: Sweet Torment #1
Release Date: March 11, 2014

For years, Amy Underwood has been wracked by guilt over her sister’s fatal overdose. With one last shot at redemption, she is determined to open a drug treatment center—even if it means her shameful secret will be exposed. But when she sneaks into the biggest political event of the year in search of funding, she quickly discovers that in the world of fast-paced politics there is always a price—and this one could cost her everything.

Running for a second term, the young governor of New York, Roman Reese, finds that his privileged past and dark childhood could not only threaten the blue-collar vote—but his reputation and livelihood as a politician. So when he meets a sexy woman with big ambitions, he quickly strikes a deal: He’ll see that Amy’s clinic obtains funding, and she’ll play the down-to-earth girlfriend to help his electability. They’ll keep the relationship strictly business, scripted to the last detail, and end it when the polls close.

But secrecy and desire have a way of binding hearts. As Election Day draws closer, so do Amy and Roman—until the discovery of one final deceit threatens to tear them apart for good.

Book Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible

Author website:

~**~ Guest Post ~**~

Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Please tell our readers a little about yourself.
Thank you so much for having me! Let’s see…a bit about myself…
I have two young boys. They are super sweet and WAY cooler than me. They know this fact and have realized that I can embarrass them in public. So I still get a hug when I drop them off at school, which I count as a win. I LOVE to karaoke and anything involving dancing. I grew up where it rained all the time and now live in sunny weather ninety percent of the year and am a firm believer that sunshine can fix anything!

What do you think readers will like about the main couple in Breath You In, Roman and Amy?
I hope they like them because they are intense and at the end of the day, they crave each other. They bring out the best in one another and force themselves to look at things with a different perspective. There’s love, hate, passion, confusion, and they feed off of their emotions for each other to grow as individuals and as a couple.

If possible, please describe a favorite scene or quote from the book?
One of my favorite scenes was when the truth came out and Amy was blindsided. She called her mother and Roman was outside banging her door down. Every single emotion had built to that one moment where all seemed lost.

I remember this scene well, and it was pretty intense!

Can you share with us a little of what you're currently working on?
I am working on two new series’ at the moment. One is a small-town spicy romance and will be coming out with Entangled later this year. The other is a love triangle involving two very intense and completely different men that the heroine is caught between. It’s been a busy and super fun Spring.

Quickie Questions
Current favorite song or band? Luke Bryan
Sweet or savory? Sweet
Read anything good lately? Marina Adair’s “Be Mine Forever”

Oh, I adore Marina Adair's stories! ~Grace

*Thank you so much for the lovely questions and having me on your blog! I really appreciate you reading and super huge hugs! ~Joya Ryan

You're very welcome, Joya!  It's a pleasure having you here today!

Four Stars

For fans of tortured heroes with dominating personalities!

I'm so glad I took a chance on Breathe You In. When you meet Roman Reese right at the beginning, he is all-consuming and totally charming! Immediately, I got the feeling that the governor of New York has a dark side that is hidden so perfectly. He doesn't waste time pursuing Amy, and they enter into a “relationship”. He wants to be re-elected again, and Amy could be the right person to help his image. Oh, boy! So many times I just wanted Amy to back away from this deal, but Roman is such an alluring character. She also has her own agenda to fulfill.

I want to make it clear that this story is not BDSM. This is a steamy contemporary romance set against a political backdrop with a hero who has a dominating and controlling personality. Roman is hot and cold and always gets what he wants. Although I could anticipate certain things happening, I still found Breathe You In to be a page turner and well worth my time. I had to keep reading to find out why Roman was so tortured. As the story unfolds, both their stories broke my heart. This series is adequately named, because once you're sucked in, you'll be sweetly tormented until the very end.

~**~ Blog-hosted Giveaway! ~**~
Joya Ryan has kindly offered to give away a signed paperback of Breath You In. US entrants only please. Good Luck.
a Rafflecopter giveaway