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Showing posts with label Joya Fields. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joya Fields. Show all posts

Sidelined Afterlife (Hauntings at Inner Harbor #3) by Joya Fields ~ Guest Post & Giveaway!

 Today we have a special guest post from author Joya Fields. She's talking about besties & siblings!  We also have an excerpt and a review of her latest book, Sidelined Afterlife. Be sure to check out the giveaway down below.

Besties and Siblings 

The holidays bring lots of expectations. Some are attainable, some are not. Take family, for instance. Sometimes, life deals you a great hand and you get a wonderful, caring family. But sometimes, it doesn’t work that way. So who fills the void when you need someone to talk to, to lean on, or to be there in general for you?


In my latest release, SIDELINED AFTERLIFE (Hauntings at Inner Harbor, Book 3), heroine Veronica is an only child. Her dad is a rock star, and her mom has always been…well…more enamored with her famous husband than her own daughter. But Veronica doesn’t feel neglected, she feels lucky, because as she grew up, and her parents were off touring more days than they were home, Veronica had her nanny and her nanny’s daughter, Jeanne. Jeanne and Veronica were the same age, and quickly became best friends.

Years and miles have separated these two friends, but their bond remains strong. The first person Veronica reaches out to when she has good or bad news is her best friend. And, of course, when hot and sexy doctor Hunter enters her life, Veronica calls her friend right away, needing a sounding board to help figure out her emotions where this man is concerned. Just talking with her best friend calms Veronica, helps her stay grounded.

Sharing secrets is another essential element of friendship. Veronica is a psychic-medium, but hates her “gift.” Not many people know about her abilities, but the one person she trusts with that knowledge is her best friend. Trust doesn’t come easily to Veronica, but the more time she spends around sexy Hunter, the more comfortable she feels telling him about herself.

Personally, I was lucky. My friends were built in to my family. I’m the oldest of three girls, and the three of us have been close ever since childhood when we dressed up in our mom’s old high heels, ate snowflakes as we played in the yard, and confided in each other about boy stuff. To this day, they’re still the first ones I call when something major happens in my life.

I know of lots of people, however, who have siblings, but don’t have anything in common with them. That’s okay. Happens all the time. But that’s where friends can fill the void. We all need someone who, in times of need or celebration, will pick up the phone and be there for us. That person doesn’t have to be related to us. Sometimes we get built-in friends in our family, and sometimes the awesome people in our lives aren’t related by blood.

Here’s hoping you find many trustworthy and wonderful people in your life that you call friends!

Veronica Matthews hates her psychic-medium "gift" of being able to communicate with ghosts and dying people. All it's ever brought her is pain and grief. When her neighbor Hunter Anderson, an ER doctor, realizes her talent, he begs her to help get rid of the ghost that’s been haunting him for two years and endangering his job. She’s torn—her need to help the attractive man who saves peoples’ lives wars with her guilt over not being about to lead police to crime victims until they were already dead. She agrees to help Hunter. They soon find out the ghost is likely to turn dangerous if he doesn’t cross over to the next world in the coming weeks.

After losing his wife in a tragic accident, Hunter's only solace is his work. The ghost that haunts him jeopardizes the one thing he cares about. But spending time with Veronica, getting to know her passionate lips and sassy attitude, gives him something new to care about.

She can't risk her heart... he’s afraid to love and lose again. Can a ghost help them break through a barrier of mistrust and guilt?

“I am an idiot. The biggest idiot ever. If you want me to pierce something for you, to prove I’m an idiot, I have some sterilized instruments upstairs in my apartment.”
Her tongue poked against her cheek, signaling a laugh that wanted to erupt. Suddenly, he really wanted to be the one who could make her laugh. “Maybe I could do your lower lip?”
Her short laugh erupted. A sweet, melodic sound that filled the small apartment.
His gaze stayed on that full mouth and he lifted his fingers closer, compelled to touch her. She stared at him with wide eyes as he traced the corner of her mouth lightly with his finger.
“I’m a liar. I could never tarnish something as beautiful as this.”
Christ. What a line. Where had those words come from? But he meant it.
Her breath was hot against his finger as he traced the line of her lower lip. Her gaze held his. His stomach growled again, breaking the spell, and she blinked and leaned against the sofa.
“You know what? We never had dessert,” she said.
He had room for dessert. But not the food kind. He swallowed to quell his appetite for her. “Uh…how about I make an ice cream run? Then we’ll get to work.” Enough of this temptation. He needed to get away from her, from this pull she had on his body and emotions.
Four Stars 

Mysterious & Charming! 

Sidelined Afterlife is the third book in the Hauntings at Inner Harbor series and my favorite of the three! The setting returns to the haunted apartment building in Baltimore, Maryland. In the previous book, Altered Frequency, we were given a glimpse into the life of one of the residents, Veronica Matthews. I remember finding her character quite interesting. She seemed troubled in a way, and after reading this installment, now I know why. Veronica is a photographer, but she's also a psychic-medium. She's really not a fan of her ability to see and talk to ghosts only because this “gift” has mainly brought her so much emotional pain. When she meets her neighbor Hunter Anderson, Veronica struggles with helping the handsome ER doctor. She hopes to finally use her ability for something positive for a change.

What a fun mystery/romance! On one hand there is this vibrant spirit who just wants to cross over into the next world but can't do so without help. On the other hand there is the budding romance between two neighbors. The two sides of this story are beautifully tied together! Veronica and Hunter spend a lot of time together trying to solve a mystery that has them delving into the the former life of the young ghost who has been haunting Hunter. Hunter falls hard for the sassy redhead, but he's got his work cut out for him with all the walls she puts up. For Veronica, trusting someone with her heart doesn't come easy. It's good that Mr. “Sexy Eyes” is a pretty determined guy!

Ms. Fields sure did keep me on my toes and guessing where everything would lead to! The theme of being able to resolve heartache in order to move on is widely used. There were funny parts, sexy parts, and then some scenes just gave me lovely, ghostly chills! Each story in this series is unique and each can be read as a standalone. Sidelined Afterlife was both charming and engaging enough that I didn't want it to end. I'm actually going to miss these characters! I have truly enjoyed reading this series and getting to know the people in this haunted apartment building.

*A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.*


Book Links:

Joya’s Bio:

Joya Fields has had over 100 stories and articles published in local and national magazines. Her debut novel, a romantic suspense, was a NJRW GOLDEN LEAF WINNER FOR BEST FIRST BOOK OF 2012 and was nominated for RT Book Reviews 2012 Indie Press/Self-Published Contemporary Romance award. Since then, she’s published four more books with even more on the way.

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Teaser: Reunited in Danger by Joya Fields

One of my favorite stand-alone romantic-suspense reads this summer has been Reunited in Danger by Joya Fields.  It's got plenty of action, danger, and an endearing second-chance romance.
Today we have a teaser featuring the main couple, Logan and Keely. Enjoy!

Reunited in Danger
Joya Fields
Genre:  Romantic Suspense
Length:  210 pages
Release Date: July 8, 2013

Keely Allen’s life goes into a tailspin when her adoptive father is viciously attacked. And the detective who offers to help her? None other than the sexy, love ’em and leave ’em man who once broke her heart.
Homicide Detective Logan North carries a haunting secret that has always kept his emotions on lockdown. But when he is forced to work alongside his former lover, the heat is still there between them, burning hotter than ever. Logan is determined to keep the luscious and tempting Keely at a distance…but he made a vow not to leave until all are safe.

On their race to solve the tangled web of crime, drug deals, and human trafficking, dangers abound—both to their lives…and to their hearts.


Wishing she didn’t look so good in a pair of worn jeans and an old red University of Maryland sweatshirt, he slammed the door and set the lock.
“Keely.” He stood by the door, afraid to trust himself around her. He had to keep her at a distance. As teens, he’d been too wild for her, as adults, he couldn’t give her what she wanted.

Anger grew in his gut. What if she’d been attacked in his own neighborhood, on her way to see him, and he’d been inside watching a movie? He faced her, using his best cop tone. “Do you know how many muggings there were on the next block last month?” He could have bought a house in a safer neighborhood, but he liked the fact everyone knew he was a cop. His presence kept crime down on this block. But he’d never expected women to come over at odd hours in the night.

She didn’t even have the grace to look chastened as she took a swig of beer and shrugged. “So, I see you still like Louis L’Amour movies.” She smiled and pointed at the television screen with her beer bottle.
He forced himself to take a slow, calming breath, counting to ten.
“Logan?” A furrow formed between her brows and she stood. Her long brown hair, damp from the rain, clung to the sides of her face. A loose tendril fell across her cheek.
He wanted to step forward, brush it aside, grab her face in both hands, and kiss the hell out of her.

“Why didn’t you return my calls when I reached out to you a few years ago?”
So that was why she was here. To finish the conversation they’d started earlier, before the street outside her dad’s house had erupted in chaos.
She set her bottle on the table and took a step closer to him.
His gaze dropped to follow her pink-painted fingertips as she reached for the hem of her sweatshirt. Surprise shot through him as she yanked it over her head, tossing it to the sofa. She wore a thin beige halter and no bra. He stared at the pert outline of her nipples, and his mouth went dry.

Oh, holy shit.

With every ounce of willpower he possessed, he forced his eyes higher and stared back at her. But focusing on her eyes didn’t do him much good. Her blue eyes sparkled in the dim lamp light, sending him signals he knew only too well.
She hadn’t come over solely to get the answers to her questions. She’d come here to seduce him. And God help him, he didn’t know if he had the strength to resist.

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