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Showing posts with label Jessica Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessica Park. Show all posts

Left Drowning by Jessica Park

What does it take to rise from life’s depths, swim against the current, and breathe?

Weighted down by the loss of her parents, Blythe McGuire struggles to keep her head above water as she trudges through her last year at Matthews College. Then a chance meeting sends Blythe crashing into something she doesn’t expect—an undeniable attraction to a dark-haired senior named Chris Shepherd, whose past may be even more complicated than her own. As their relationship deepens, Chris pulls Blythe out of the stupor she’s been in since the night a fire took half her family. She begins to heal, and even, haltingly, to love this guy who helps her find new paths to pleasure and self-discovery. But as Blythe moves into calmer waters, she realizes Chris is the one still strangled by his family’s traumatic history. As dark currents threaten to pull him under, Blythe may be the only person who can keep him from drowning.

*This book is intended for mature audiences due to strong language and sexual content.

Note: due to mature content recommended for Ages 17+

3.5 Stars

I love Jessica Park; I really do. That's why I wanted to read this when it released. However, this wasn't one of those couldn't-put-it-down type book like Flat-Out Love was. It took awhile for the story to get going. I wanted to stop on numerous occasions, but my curiosity got the best of me and so I kept going. I had a feeling the Hero and heroine were connected somehow. As the story unfolded, I formed some of my own theories and in all actually, when everything was all said and done, my theory wasn't too far off. 

The story itself was good, for the most part. It kinda had thatColleen-Hoover-Hopeless-vibe to it. Something was connecting the two characters. Both had traumatic pasts and that are now affecting the present. They're both damaged, and when they meet at Matthews College, they instantly connected. 

I guess I'm in the minority when I say that I didn't connect with these characters. Blythe to me just seem so indifferent, especially when it came to Chris. Yes, she loved him. Yes, she didn't want anyone else, but throughout the story, she didn't seem to fight for what she wanted. They had this truce that they weren't going to be anything but friends, even though it was obvious that the two were crazy for each other, and I didn't understand their blasé attitude about their relationship, or lack thereof. It just felt off for me; I don't know. I was rooting for these two from the very beginning and just when I thought they were going to be together....they ended not to be. It took a long time for that to happen, too, and for them to just go back to before, really frustrated me. Oh! And when Chris broke her heart after what they went through?! OMG, I was LIVID. Like I said, I just didn't get their relationship

Anyway, I'm sure a lot of you will LOVE this story, but it wasn't meant to be for me. I liked it, but I didn't outright love it. I hope you guys have better luck with this than I had.

Flat-Out Matt (Flat-Out Love #1.5) by Jessica Park

Matt is a junior at MIT. He’s geeky, he's witty, he's brilliant.

And he’s also very, very stupid.

When beautiful, cool, insightful Julie moves in with Matt’s family, why (oh why!) does he pretend to be his absent brother Finn for her alleged benefit? 

It seems harmless enough until her short-term stay becomes permanent. And until it snowballs into heart-squeezing insanity. And until he falls in love with Julie, and Julie falls in love with Finn. 

But … Matt is the right one for her. If only he can make Julie see it. Without telling her the truth, without shattering them all. Particularly his fragile sister Celeste, who may need Julie the most.

You saw Matt through Julie’s eyes in FLAT-OUT LOVE. Now go deeper into Matt’s world in this FLAT-OUT MATT novella. Live his side of the story, break when his heart breaks, and fall for the unlikely hero all over again.

Take an emotional skydive for two prequel chapters and seven Flat-Out Love chapters retold from his perspective, and then land with a brand-new steamy finale chapter from Julie.


4.75-5 Stars

**DISCLAIMER: First off, if you have not read Flat-Out Love, there’s something seriously wrong with you. GO And read it NOW! Secondly, this is not a stand-alone story. It will NOT make any sense, you will get spoiled and you will not appreciate the awesomeness of this novella.**

How you find love means nothing. It’s what you do with it when you see it that does. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jessica, for writing this kick ass novella. I read Flat-Out-Love back in October 2011 and that story is still one of my all time favorites. I will never forget that story. Ever. And now to get this novella in Matt’s POV? OMG! I was in heaven. Pure freaking heaven. God, how I missed my Matty. It was such a treat to get our favorite chapters from FOL in his POV. Though two prequel chapters created more depth and emotion to the story, my heart ached for Matt in those two chapters. To read about him and Finn, how close they were, planning their future adventures -- sigh…just bittersweet. And to read about how hard Matt fought to keep some sanity when taking care of Celeste, plus the introduction of Flat Finn…Fuck! It made me love Matt even more. 

Reading this novella brought back so many wonderful memories of how I felt while reading FOL. Oh, and that last extra/bonuschapter with Matt and Julie was…OMG…I don’t even know what to say. I melted, I swooned, and I smiled with knowing smirk. I’m just giddy after that last chapter. Pure. Fucking. Bliss. I wish there was more, but I'll take what I can get. Again, thank you, Jessica for writing this novella. I am forever grateful!