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Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

Hard To Hold On To (#HardInk 2.5) by Laura Kaye ~ Character Interview #Review #Giveaway

For today's tour stop, I'm so happy to present to you a character interview with Easy and my review of Hard To Hold On To! ~Grace

Let's begin...

G:  Hi Easy, I’m so excited for your visit today!

E:  Hey, Grace. *rubs hand over head* Thanks for having me.

G:  Can you tell us a little about yourself? Where did your nickname came from?

E:  Um, I’m not sure if there’s a lot to tell. I used to be in the Army. Spent a lot of years in Afghanistan with some very good men. That’s where I got my nickname. One of my teammates, Shane McCallan, combined the E and the C from my real name, Edward Cantrell, to come up with Easy. Fits me better, I think. Anyway, this past year, I’ve been working for my family’s business up in Philadelphia, and a few weeks ago, I caught up with some of my old teammates to figure out the bullshit related to why we were forced out of the Army. Oh. *smiles, just a little* And I met an awesome girl named Jenna. *smiles a little more* That was the best of it all.

G:  Being in the military has changed you so much. Do you have any regrets? If you could talk to your younger self, what would you tell him?

E:  Regrets? Hell, yes. Seven good men lost their lives on a dirt road in Afghanistan. Seven men who were as much like family as my flesh and blood. That I couldn’t save them, especially my best friend, Marcus Rimes, will always be a regret I carry inside. But carrying it is as much a privilege as it is a burden, because they’re not here anymore. And I will remember them every damn day I might have left. Being in the military changes everyone. It’s a given. It’s a culture as much as it is a job. So I wouldn’t change going on. It was one of the best things I ever did. Certainly, the place where I felt like I fit in the best. I would just tell my younger self that you have to hold on to and appreciate the things you care about as hard as you can, because they don’t always last, no matter how sure you are that they will.

G:  You met Jenna under somewhat unusual circumstances.  She’s pretty special to you. What would you tell her if she were sitting here with us right now?

E: *rubs hand over lips, shaping into a small smile* Yeah, it was a little unusual. But I also think it happened at exactly the right time. Wouldn’t change it for the world. I would tell her that I got her back. That I will protect her with everything that I have. And that she is very special to me. I’d also say thank you, because since I met her she’s had my back, too.

G:  Describe your perfect date night.

E:  Guys do not sit around thinking about perfect date nights. But as long as it was me and Jen together, it would be about as good as it could get.

G:  A few quickie questions...
Who inspires you the most?

E:  This is a hard one because I can’t say I’ve felt inspired in a long time. But meeting Jenna and reuniting with the guys have definitely made me want to be a better man, so I could say them.

G:  Favorite hobby?

E:  I’m a big fan of Eddie Murphy movies.

G:  You got any ink you can tell us about?

E:  I have a cross and chain that hangs around my neck and on my chest and the Special Forces knife and arrows on my arm. And I have three newer pieces on my ribs – a quote, my fallen teammates’ initials, and a little something from Jenna to help me remember to hold on no matter what.

G:  Thank you so much, Easy, for stopping by Sweet Spot Book Blog! It was such a pleasure to chat with you!

E:  Welcome.

Feel free to ask Easy or his author lady anything!

Did you know Laura is donating all of her proceeds of the sales from the first two weeks to a national non-profit that helps wounded veterans?

About Hard to Hold On To:
Edward "Easy" Cantrell knows better than most the pain of not being able to save those he loves—which is why he is not going to let Jenna Dean out of his sight.  He may have just met her, but Jenna's the first person to make him feel alive since that devastating day in the desert more than a year ago.

Jenna has never met anyone like Easy. She can't describe how he makes her feel--and not just because he saved her life. No, the stirrings inside her reach far beyond gratitude.

As the pair are thrust together while chaos reigns around them, they both know one thing: the things in life most worth having are the hardest to hold on to.

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Five Stars

I love reading novellas. I’ve read my fair share of novellas that leave you so unsatisfied and wondering what the whole point was, a tease perhaps? Not with this one! First, if you’ve been following along with the Hard Ink series, then reading Hard To Hold On To is a no-brainer! Second, Edward “Easy” Cantrell is counting on you to read what he’s all about. He’s finally speaking up and letting everything that he’s going through all flow out…it’s raw, it’s painful, and it all unfolds into a story with a very powerful message.

The timelines for the books of this series so far have run close together. This story begins immediately after where book 2 ended. I LOVE how Laura Kaye wrote the chemistry between Jenna and Easy. Jenna had just gone through something so traumatic. The way they’re written, you can feel that her pain is his pain at this moment in time. Easy totally gets her, and in return feisty and sweet Jenna is there for him when he needs her the most.

I loved that the other characters play a huge role in this story, too. What the others do just brought tears to my eyes! On the other end of the spectrum, Jeremy’s shirts continue to inject a bit of humor! I can’t wait to see what shirt he wears next. The romance and steam? This is Laura Kaye we’re talking about. She knows how to describe the emotions of when a man makes your belly flip-flop. Jenna is so freakin’ lucky! Remember, this novella is only the beginning for these two. I have a feeling we’ll see more of them in the next books.

Finally, Ms. Kaye covers a very serious and real issue in this story, one that veterans and those currently serving in the military deal with every day. I can tell that Easy was a very challenging character for her to write. I truly appreciate how genuine and realistic she wrote him. If anything, read this to be enlightened, to be touched, and to know that there will always be someone, somewhere willing to listen. Hard To Hold On To is absolutely worth reading!

*ARC received from publisher. This is my honest review.

Other Books in the Hard Ink Series:
Hard to Come By (11/25/14)
Hard to Be Good (3/10/15)
Untitled (7/28/15)

Praise for the Hard Ink Series:

For Hard As You Can:
"TOP PICK! There is a sinister and desperate edge to this tale that will keep readers glued to their seats. Kaye has dark romantic suspense nailed!" ~ RT Book Reviews Magazine

"Hard As You Can is another five star read. The characters Ms. Kaye has created are wonderfully broken and the drama is gritty, but the burgeoning romance and the tight-knitted relationship of the team leaves you with a sense of redemption. A must read series!" ~San Francisco Book Review

For Hard As It Gets:
"Edgy, sexy and full of suspense!  A great read from a great new author!" ~ #1 NYT Bestselling Author J.R. Ward

"Sizzling romance... The intriguing tattoo parlor and military background will appeal to fans of Suzanne Brockmann and Lindsay McKenna." ~Publishers Weekly Review

"Kaye's depiction of sexual tension and her sex scenes are masterful and this will appeal to fans of Maya Banks' KGI and Julia Ann Walker's Black Knight's series." ~Booklist

About Laura Kaye:
Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of nearly twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.

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Special Interview ~ Helena Hunting, Inked Armor Blog Tour Review, SIGNED #Giveaway

Today we are super excited to have Helena Hunting at Sweet Spot Book Blog! Helena is the author of the popular Clipped Wings series.  We're helping her celebrate the recent release of book 2, Inked Armor with an exclusive interview, a blog tour stop & a SIGNED paperback set giveaway!!!

Special Interview with Helena Hunting!

Grace:  Hi, Helena, thank you for taking the time to stop by to answer a few questions.  Clipped Wings and Inked Armor was a widely known and loved fanfic.  At what point did you decide to publish your story and what have you learned from your publishing journey?

Helena: I had just finished working on a completely separate manuscript and I was preparing to query it when an indie publisher approached me about Clipped Wings. I’ve always had a soft spot for those characters, but revising the story seemed like such a daunting task because of the length of the manuscript. I knew it was going to take a lot of time and energy to make that happen but it was time to take on the challenge. I spent the next several months rewriting the entire story, breaking it into two book and cutting half the content.

I didn’t go it alone, though; during that time I worked with a group of women from The Writer’s Collective. Along with my editor, I managed to get both books written and revised. Eventually it was picked up by Gallery Books. Since then it’s been a whirlwind of editing, and then promotion leading up to the release of both Clipped Wings and Inked Armor. The learning curve has been steep, but I have an amazing group of supportive author friends who have been with me this entire time. It’s been such an incredible adventure and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Holly:  Where did the characters of Hayden and Tenley come from? Are either of them based on real people?

Helena: Thankfully they’re not based on anyone I know, although their trauma is loosely based on some of the horrific events highlighted in the media. A groom and groomsmen were in a limo on their way to the wedding. A tractor trailer jackknifed and everyone died leaving a devastated bride at the altar. That kind of trauma would leave deep scars. I wanted to explore how someone could move on from such tragedy and learn to live again. Thus, Tenley and Hayden were created.

Holly:  Why did you give Hayden mild OCD?

Helena: Hayden is an extremist; he lives on the edge of what’s acceptable. He’s also very rigid in some ways, particularly when it comes to maintaining order. In Inked Armor, readers learn more about this facet of his personality and how it impacts his life. Like many A Type personalities, he’s perfectionist. His “OCDness” is a manifestation of his need to control his environment, which became more prominent in the wake of losing his parents. 

At first he fell into a negative, self-destructive cycle. The alcoholism and the drug abuse were his initial way of coping with the lack of control over what he witnessed, and his guilt over it. When he came out of that downward spiral he went in the opposite direction, maintaining almost militant control over his environment as a means to help manage the internal chaos. For the most part it worked, until the events surrounding his parents deaths came to the forefront again.

Holly:  There is a point in the book where Hayden tells Tenley that tattoos, piercings or any modification can be cathartic because it's the promise of change. I strongly agree with this statement. Can you tell me your feelings about it?

Helena: Piercings are generally decorative, aside from the ones that are meant to provide gratification once they’re healed. Tattoos are different in that they allow the person to wear memories or events on their skin. Some of these can be highly positive events or memories, other times they can be a reflection of loss, as is the case for Tenley. Memorial tattoos are a perfect example of this, they commemorate life, or death and give the event or memory somewhere to live permanently, outside of the mind. In this, it can become a catalyst for healing. But it’s not the just the end result that becomes the catharsis; it’s the entire process. From idea, to design, to putting the art on skin; it allows the wearer to re-live the events or memories and hopefully come to terms with the loss.

Grace:  Having read your story before, I loved that the audiobook gave me an entirely new reading experience. What was your reaction when you heard the Clipped Wings audiobook for the first time?

Helena: I have to admit, it’s a little odd to hear my words read to me by narrators. I love Jason Carpenter and Elizabeth Louise for Hayden and Tenley. I think they do a wonderful job of capturing their voices and their characters. I giggled my way through the smutty scenes at first, because it’s so bizarre to hear what I wrote read by a male, but they both do a fabulous job of bringing the story and the characters to life.

Grace & Holly:  Why cupcakes and what is your favorite cupcake flavor?

Helena: Hayden’s mom used to make them for him as a child and they were very close relationship with her. Initially for Hayden, cupcakes have strong connections to positive memories, most of which have been overshadowed by death. With a character like Hayden, who is so hard around the edges and who presents such an intense and dangerous exterior, he needed a harmless weakness and cupcakes were the perfect treat. I liked the contradiction of a tattooed, pierced man acting like a child around cupcakes.

My personal favourite are vanilla cupcakes and I love them with mango or strawberry icing, those are delicious!

Grace:  Are you working on anything new? What is next after the Clipped Wings series?

Helena: Cracks in the Armor, a novella featuring Chris and Sarah releases June 23rd. After that, I have a couple other manuscripts I’d like to work through. Eventually I’d like to dig into another story I wrote a few years ago and clean it up, so there are lots of projects I’d like to work on.

Helena, you are so sweet and kind to chat with us! Thank you so much!!!

It’s been a pleasure! Thanks so much for having me!

Title: Inked Armor
Author: Helena Hunting
Series: Clipped Wings #2
Release Date: May 13, 2014
Publisher: Gallery Books (Simon & Schuster)
Source: ARC provided by publisher for an honest review

In this follow-up to Clipped Wings, the emotional love story continues between Hayden and Tenley; two young people who desperately want to love and be loved but are afraid to completely let go of their pasts.
In the wake of losing Tenley Page, tattooist Hayden Stryker's tumultuous past is haunting him. Plagued by nightmares about the murder of his parents, Hayden reaches out again to Tenley. Having run from the man she doesn't believe she deserves, Tenley finally lays her guilt to rest. Despite their intense physical attraction, Hayden and Tenley struggle to repair their fragile emotional connection. As Hayden gets closer to the truth, he must find a way to reconcile his guilt over his parents' death in order to keep the woman who finally cracked his armor, and found her way into his heart.

Book Links:
Goodreads | Simon & Schuster | Amazon
Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Audible

A few days, a week, just a little longer. Everyone told me she needed time. Her silence told me she needed time.

Fuck time.

Time went on and on. An endless cycle of sleep, wake, bear the agony, and repeat. I fucking hated time.

Tenley had been gone for three weeks. Every day without her was sensory deprivation, drawn out and torturous from beginning to end. The first week, I called her every day. Her phone always went to voice mail. She never called back. I stopped calling because it sucked to know I’d been discarded so easily.

Memories of her were everywhere: home, work, Serendipity. I couldn’t escape. So at least I understood why she came to Chicago in the first place: to get away from the ceaseless reminders. I couldn’t figure out what had compelled her to go back, though. She could run from me all she wanted, but returning to the place she’d fled from didn’t make much sense. Unless she was looking to shackle herself to the guilt again. It was easy to deny the possibility of a future when she let the past drag her down. I knew. I’d done that for years until Tenley came along.

5 Stars

My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story.” ~ Johnny Depp

That quote reminds me so much of this story!

The words Inked Armor refer more to just the name of Hayden's tattoo shop, it signifies the armor built within as a layer of defense from a tragic past event. Inked Armor continues the story of Hayden and Tenley. While Clipped Wings established the pain these two kept inside, Inked Armor is the book where the walls finally come crashing down.

Tenley and Hayden's emotional sides play a whole lot of catch up. It's takes a while, but through the miscommunication, fear, guilt, and dealing with unresolved issues, finally, these two get to see the shining light at the end of the tunnel. It's not easy. Inked Armor shows their struggle to lay the past to rest and learn that it's possible to move on together. From the start, Tenley and Hayden have always been physically compatible. Gosh, they get a little too carried away, don't they? I'm thinking of a certain incident that happened on top of the...well, you're gonna have to read and find out. :)

I'm so glad I decided to re-read these stories. The Clipped Wings series continue to be among my favorites! This series has been greatly edited. If you're at all wondering how different, I was pleasantly surprised that the published versions are much more streamlined than the longer, original version. There were new-to-me scenes and certain scenes were nicely re-done, but the heart of the story remains the same. Not only does this sequel showcase more tatts and piercings, cupcakes, and steamy goodness, but also, it is a prime example of how resilient the human spirit can be! Inked Armor is an excellent sequel. In the end, I whole-heartedly LOVED taking this journey again. Hmmm, I'm suddenly craving a cupcake...thank you, Helena Hunting!

Series Reading Order:
Book #0.5: Cupcakes and Ink (novella)
Book #1: Clipped Wings
Book #1.5: Between the Cracks (novella)
Book #2: Inked Armor
Book #2.5: Cracks in the Armor (novella) - Releasing June 23, 2014

Helena's Social Media

Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She's putting her English degree to good use by writing popular fiction. She is the author of Clipped Wings, her debut novel, and Inked Armor.

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