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Showing posts with label Hero Military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hero Military. Show all posts

RELEASE BLITZ & REVIEW ~ Liquid & Ash by E.M. Abel


Love was my weakness. 
In the light of the truth, no one can hide. 

Derek had ignited a spark inside of my heart, a hope for a love I never expected to find. However, our connection lacked the substance it needed to burn. Weakened with resentment, our relationship crumbled under deception, slowly dissolving into ash.

I had sacrificed myself for him and paid the price.

By the time Brandon entered into my life, the longing in my heart had turned cold. But fate was not done with me. His crystal blue eyes and fluid touch revived a wish that had been frozen in time. He gave me hope once again. 

Hope is a dangerous thing, especially when you dare to dream.

**WARNING: This book contains adult content and drug use.
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4.75 Stars

Gahhhh!!! I devoured this book. The writing and story was phenomenal and I feel like a tool for not being able to give this a full five stars, but I promise I have a legit reason (which I will address at the end of this review.) But in the mean time, just know that Ms. Abel delivered one hell of a story.

That had always been our problem; our love burned too hot and died too slow.

Penelope & Derek:
When I first met Derek, I admit, I was charmed just like Penelope. Dressed in his Marine uniform, he was persistent in his pursuit of Penny. At the time, all she wanted to do was focus: finish school and never be dependent on anyone. But meeting Derek changed that. As the years went by, her ambitions and dreams were put on hold, slowly becoming someone who she thought Derek wanted. But Derek’s charms weren’t just for Penny and she took notice.

The flashback scenes of Penny & Derek’s relationship made the first half of this book extremely emotional. You really could feel Penelope happiness and struggles. Its no wonder why she is the way she is. But after finding strength that she never thought she had, she made some necessary changes.

I could smell him, feel his heat, remember his taste.

Oh dear. I don’t know where to start. He’s smart, tattooed and extremely sexy. He showed Penelope she was still desirable. He didn’t know it, but he also gave her the courage to change. He’s not a perfect Hero, but his mere presence brought hope & light into Penny’s life.

A woman with a dream of being loved is a danger to herself because she will see it places it doesn’t belong and doesn’t exist.

So, why not a full five stars? As much as I thought this was a fantastic and expertly written story, it was the ending that fell a tad bit short. Don’t worry, it all ends happily, but the epilogue really left me wanting more. It was unsatisfying, at least for me. Plus, there were some unanswered questions I wanted answered, or at least mentioned. Aside from that, I would definitely recommend this story. I can’t wait to see what Ms. Abel will write next.

Advanced Review Copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, Ms. Abel

Author Bio

E.M. Abel was born and raised a Marine Corps brat. She spent a large portion of her life moving and living in her mother's home country, Japan. As a result, she gained independence and a unique perspective on the world. The youngest of three girls, E.M. Abel spent a lot of time alone in her room writing or sketching in her journals and dreaming up stories. Growing up, she wrote poems, short stories and articles for her high school newspaper. She also fell in love with art and discovered her deep need for self-expression.

Now, a Navy wife with two small children of her own, she still loves being creative and most of all translating her stories into novels. E.M. Abel, now referred to as E or Em by her friends and readers, can often be found with her headphones on jamming out to punk rock, in a chair getting tattooed or cooking dinner for her kids and attending gymnastics practice. No matter what she's doing in her life, she's always sure to do it her way.

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Eyes Turned Skyward by Rebecca Yarros ~ Dream Cast + ARC Review

It is our pleasure to have Rebecca Yarros on the blog today with a special guest post! Today is release day for Eyes Turned Skyward, and this is her dream cast! Take it away, Rebecca...

Thank you so much for having me! I have to say that dream casting is one of my favorite things to do. When else can you look at pictures of hot guys and know it’s legitimate work?

Let’s start off with…

Jagger Bateman.
He’s absolutely Alex Pettyfer, and has been since Full Measures. Blonde hair, gorgeous eyes…heck, gorgeous everything, and a smile that kills. Yep, Jagger all the way. Jagger is a new army Lt, determined to graduate top of his class in flight school.

Paisley Donovan.
My Paisley is definitely AnnaSophia Robb. She has Paisley’s golden tresses, petite frame, sweet disposition and spark of fun. Paisley is the daughter of the commanding general, and definitely Jagger’s biggest weakness.

William Carter
Paisley’s uber-perfect, uptight boyfriend is definitely Steven Krueger. Oh, did I mention that he’s Jagger’s biggest rival at flight school? Yeah, that gets awkward really fast.

Morgan Bartley
Paisley’s best friend and roommate. She’s sassy, loyal, and not afraid to tell Paisley, or Will, how it is. She’s Nina Dobrev to me.

Grayson Masters
(Rebecca casts fitness model Mike Thurston) Jagger's quietly intense roommate, who is there when he's needed, but doesn't let anyone or anything in.

And what would Eyes Turned Skyward be if we didn’t have a little of the Full Measures cast to join?

Josh Walker
He’s in flight school with Jagger, rounding out the trio of guys living in the house, and taking every weekend he can with Ember. Josh is Theo James. Always. Those eyes, that smile, that body? Josh. Josh. Josh.

Ember Howard
She’s still in college at Vanderbilt, but spends every minute she can with Josh. My Ember will always be Bonnie Wright.

Samantha Wallace
Ember’s best friend is back, welcoming Paisley into their little group. She’s very Kat Graham to me!

Magnolia and Richard Donovan
Paisley’s parents are still reeling from the loss of her older sister, Peyton, more often than not overstepping their parental boundaries with Paisley. Definitely Mark Harmon and Felicity Huffman for me!

That’s it for Eyes Turned Skyward!

Thank you so much for having me, and giving me an excuse to look at pictures of Alex Pettyfer. ;)

 Thanks! ~Rebecca

What an awesome cast selection! THANK YOU, Rebecca, for stopping by. Congratulations on this new release!!!

Release Date: December 8, 2014


Since her sister's death, twenty-year-old Paisley Donovan has been treated like delicate glass by her parents. She may share her sister’s heart condition, but nothing will stop her from completing her Bucket List, even if it kills her. And it almost does, until Jagger Bateman pulls her from the ocean and breathes more than air into her lungs—he sets her soul on fire.

Jagger is enrolled in the country's toughest flight school. He's wickedly hot, reckless, and perfect for a girl looking to live life to the fullest. Except that Paisley is the commanding general's daughter, and her boyfriend is Jagger's biggest rival. Now Paisley must decide just how much to risk for a guy who makes her heart pound a little too hard.

They're flying through dangerous territoryand one wrong move could make them crash and burn...

Five Stars

An unforgettable, passionate story!

Twenty year-old Paisley Donovan lives with a heart condition, and she’s counting her days. She lives each day trying to check things off her bucket list. To say her parents are overbearing is putting it lightly, but I understand why they’re that way, since they already lost a daughter. The whole situation this family endures just saddens me. Jagger Bateman is a cocky, non-relationship type of guy whose biggest dream is to fly. Jagger just got into flight school, and he realizes he can’t afford any distractions until the day he rescues Paisley.

In an unforgettable story with alternating POV, there is both instant attraction and a beautiful, gradual build up of romance. Paisley and Jagger both have things that they delay telling each other, but neither can resist and ignore the unresolved, unexplored tension sizzling between them. It’s a story that seeks truth and forgiveness and is so very passionate! While reading Eyes Turned Skyward, I wrapped myself around each word and each character until I was utterly consumed by everything that happened. Yes, it’s that type of story…all-consuming.

Although Josh and Ember from Full Measures are part of this book, Eyes Turned Skyward can definitely be read as a stand-alone. I personally haven’t read Full Measures, but I loved Josh and Ember so much that I now need to backtrack and read their story. I know there are many fans! New-to-me author, Rebecca Yarros, is a phenomenal storyteller, and I’m glad I was given the chance to read this story. I adored every bit of Eyes Turned Skyward!

Book links:
Entangled Publishing: http://bit.ly/1s95Zyr

Add to your TBR on Goodreads

About the author
Rebecca Yarros is a hopeless romantic and lover of all things chocolate, coffee, and Paleo. In addition to being a mom, military wife, and blogger, she can never choose between Young Adult and New Adult fiction, so she writes both. She's a graduate of Troy University, where she studied European history and English, but still holds out hope for an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Her blog, The Only Girl Among Boys, has been voted the Top Military Mom Blog the last two years, and celebrates the complex issues surrounding the military life she adores.

When she's not writing, she's tying on hockey skates for her kids, or sneaking in some guitar time. She is madly in love with her army-aviator husband of eleven years, and they're currently stationed in Upstate NY with their gaggle of rambunctious kiddos and snoring English Bulldog, but she would always rather be home in Colorado.

Author's New Release Giveaway!
Check it out HERE

Falling for the Enemy by Samanthe Beck Release Day ARC #Review

Title: Falling for the Enemy
Author: Samanthe Beck
Series: Private Pleasures #3
Publisher: Entangled Publishing Brazen imprint
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Caught between a rock and a rock-hard body…

Salon owner Virginia Boca has declared herself celibate...at least until she wins the election for mayor of Bluelick, Kentucky. No hot men. No sex. And her plan to play the good girl might have worked—if the mysterious, hard-bodied stranger she’s seen around town hadn't pulled her from the street and saved her life. The least Ginny can do is offer her savior a free haircut. But when an innocent haircut turns into hours of wickedly hot sex, former Navy SEAL Shaun Buchanan knows his plan to keep a low profile is shot. Especially once Ginny finds out he’s the current mayor's son. With her reputation and the election on the line, Ginny seems determined to keep their nightly sexcapades a secret, but Shaun’s not willing to stay in the shadows forever…

You’ve GOT to meet Wolverine!!!

Falling for the Enemy can be read as a stand-alone, but having read Light Her Fire (Private Pleasures #2), Samanthe Beck introduced and teased us with a minor character. Ginny nicknamed him Wolverine, and I was left wondering who the heck this dark, mysterious, and intriguing character is? Let me have his story, please! Well, Ms. Beck did not disappoint. Y’all need to meet Wolverine…ahem…ex-US Navy SEAL Shaun Buchanan!!!

Ginny is trying to stay on her self-imposed sex hiatus, since she’s running for mayor and all. She doesn’t want any dirty little secrets to come out during her campaign. Understandable, right? When Wolverine becomes her savior, they know very little about each other, and give into their desire and lust many times. He doesn’t know she’s running for mayor, and she doesn’t know he’s the current mayor’s son, oops!

It was really great to be back in the small town of Bluelick, Kentucky again in this book. Samanthe Beck wrote a story with a fun don’t-want-to-be-caught-in-a-compromising-position type of plot. Fans of her stories know she can write super sexy scenes, and there are plenty of nice, steamy ones in Falling for the Enemy, because…

…“Wolverine’s got skills.”

Yes, yes he does!!!

*Review copy received from publisher. This is my honest review.

Read an excerpt of Falling for the Enemy HERE

Book Links:

About the Author:
Wine lover, sleep fanatic, and USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy contemporary romance novels, Samanthe Beck lives in Malibu, California, with her long-suffering but extremely adorable husband and their turbo-son, Hud. Throw in a furry ninja named Kitty and Bebe the trash talking Chihuahua and you get the whole, chaotic picture.
When not clinging to sanity by her fingernails or dreaming up fun, fan-your-cheeks sexy ways to get her characters to happily-ever-afters, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with Ambien.