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Showing posts with label Dual POV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dual POV. Show all posts

Review ~ Dirty Ugly Toy by K. Webster

Her time is over.
Things are looking up.

She’s dirty and ugly.
He’s wicked but handsome.

Six months to toy with her.
Six months of vacation and a ton of money.

I’ll hurt her beyond repair.
I’ve been through much worse.

She's difficult to control and doesn't obey.
I'm done submitting to anyone or anything in this life.

I should hate her.
I should hate him.

The game has changed.
I will win.

Dirty Ugly Toy is a novel that blurs the lines of right and wrong, deals with abuse, contains dubious consent, and adult subject matter. If you are sensitive to violent sexual situations, the book may not be suitable for you. Some parts of this book are not easy to read and are not intended for everyone. However, those that keep an open mind and stick with it will not be disappointed.


Anything worth having turns you upside down and shakes you until you can't see straight anymore.

Say hello to my first Crack Book of 2016. This story was so enthralling; I fucking devoured it. It was a bit twisted, but for a dark romance lover like me it called to me immediately. I honestly couldn’t find any fault in it. The flow of the story was smooth – no slow or boring bits at all. It was dark & oh so sexy. But what made this story incredible were the Hero & heroine. They were a match in every possible twisted way.

I could warn her but I want her to drown in my release. I want it to take her by surprise and it shoot out of her nose. Hell, I like it if she choked and then vomited from it.
I'm a sick bastard.

Braxton Kennedy is indeed a sick bastard. He plucks broken women off the streets and breaks them further when he turns them into his toys. After they sign his six-month contract to submit to him, he cleans them, dresses them, punishes them with pain/pleasure and ultimately screws with their mind and hearts. He never keeps his toys and after six months disposes of them properly. He loves control and loves watching his toys break.

He might dominate my body but he'll never own my mind.
With a lift of my chin and a sweet smile, I say with a southern drawl, "Do your worst, handsome. I'm not afraid."

Jessica “Bunny” Rabbit’s life is at her lowest when Braxton propositions her. She’s an addict living on the streets of London, willing to do anything to get her next fix. With an understanding that she will receive a large sum of money, and possibly more heroin, she accepts Braxton’s offer. Submit to him for six months. How hard could it be? It couldn’t be any worse than what’s she’s endured in her past now could it?

He's every bit of a warring devil and angel, all wrapped up into one human.
I want to open him up.
To learn about what makes him the way he is.
I want to see more of his smiles. Hear his laugh. Be the object of his affection.
Yet, I also want to feel my hair tangled in his fist. I want him to fuck me and spank me. I want to see that precious vein on his forehead throb with rage.

As much as Braxton tries to break his Bunny she doesn’t ever give in. As a matter of fact, she relishes in his anger – it’s a turn on actually. He can’t figure her out and it’s driving him crazy with lust, frustration and admiration. This toy is different and its scaring him.


Watching Braxton try and try again to break an already broken spirit was captivating. Bunny was always a step ahead of him. Instead of breaking her, it awakened her. It made her want to face her past demons and conquer them. As for Braxton, his hard exterior starts to slowly crumble. But what happens after six months? Will Braxton discard her like his previous toys? What happens when Jessica’s past collides with her present?

As I said before, this story was flawless. It never faltered and kept my interest from page one to very last page. I even shed a few tears reading that epilogue. This was dark, sexy and oh so fucking good. HIGHLY recommend!!!

Blog Tour & Review ~ Souls Unfractured (Hades Hangmen #3) by Tillie Cole

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"For fractured souls are like magnets.
Drawn to collide into an impossible bliss…"

Labeled a ‘Cursed’ woman of Eve from birth, Maddie has endured nothing but pain and repression at the hands of The Order’s most abusive elder, Moses. Now living with her sister in The Hangmen’s secluded compound, finally, Maddie, is free. Free from the suffocating faith she no longer believes in. Free from endless years of physical and mental torment.

Just… free…

At age twenty-one, the timid and shy Maddie is content to live within the confines of her new home—safe from the outside world, safe from harm and, strangely, protected by the Hangmen’s most volatile member; the heavily pierced and tattooed, Flame.


The man who ceaselessly watches over her with his midnight dark and searing eyes. The man who protects her with a breath-taking intensity. And the man who stirs something deep within her numbed heart.

But when circumstances conspire for Flame to need HER help, Maddie bravely risks it all for the broken man who has captivated her fragile soul.

The Hangmen’s most infamous member, Flame, is ruled by one thing—anger. Plagued by haunting demons from his past, an all-consuming rage, and isolated by an abhorrent hatred of being touched, Flame's days are filled with suffocating darkness, pierced only by a single ray of light—Maddie. The shy, beautiful woman he cannot purge from his thoughts. The woman he has an overwhelming need to possess…
... the only person who has ever been able to touch him.

Flame’s mission in life is to protect Maddie, to keep her safe. Until a trigger from his troubled past sends him spiraling into madness, trapping him in the deepest recesses of his disturbed mind.

His Hangmen brothers fear that Flame is beyond saving.

His only hope of salvation: Maddie and her healing light.
FIVE+++ Unfractured STARS

For fractured souls are like magnets. Drawn to collide into an impossible bliss..

Tillie Cole has done it again. How does every book she writes be better than the last? This was flipping brilliant!!!
Though I am in contented bliss, I feel a tad bit bittersweet. I’ve wanted this story ever since I finished It Ain’t Me, Babe last year and now it’s all over. I’m in a bit of daze to be honest. This was such an emotionally charged story. If you’ve read the previous two stories, you already know how damaged the Hero & heroine are. Could a relationship even be possible for two people who have a past such as theirs?

With the flames out of my blood I wouldn’t be so sad. Then people wouldn’t leave me, they would understand me… …if only the flames would die…

Flame. Flame. Flame. This poor soul. Who knew the demons this man faced. His past is tragically heartbreaking. The physical and psychological abuse under the hands of his father was tough to read, but it made me understand the fuel behind Flame’s madness, including the reasoning behind his infamous self-cutting and his no-touch rule. And OMG, when you find out why he doesn’t like to be touched, you will seriously cry. It wasn’t until that scene in It Ain’t Me, Babe where Maddie hugged him to thank him for killing Moses did he get touched. That moment changed everything for Flame and for Maddie, too.

My heart fluttered when I realized I liked the way he watched me. I liked that, when I was near, the lost pained expression he wore, fell away…leaving the handsome expression of a lost boy looking at an equally lost girl

If I can be truly be honest, Maddie MADE this story. Who knew that the smallest and shyest of the Cursed Sisters, she would be the bravest? She is my HERO! Her strength and courage shone through the entire book. Flame didn’t stand a chance. The “little one,” as Viking would call her, won over Flame’s heart. The similarities between Flame & Maddie were haunting, but it was because of their haunting past that they were able to connect on another level. And OMG!! When Flame & Maddie finally touch? Magical.

Two fractured souls made whole only by the other’s unconditional love.

This was not an easy road to Flame & Maddie’s HEA, but OMG was that journey so worth it. Tillie has such a talent to tell such an emotionally charged story. Grab your tissues because you’re so going to need it. Bring on Rider’s book!!!!!!

**Thank you, Ms. Cole, for allowing me to Beta read this gem. Truly and honor**

Flame and Maddie’s story has been one of the most anticipated books of 2015. Hell, it’s been the most anticipated book since Tillie released It Ain’t Me Babe (Hades Hangmen #1) in April 2014. Flame didn’t play a huge role in IAMB but captured the hearts of most who read it. I will admit in the beginning I didn’t understand the obsession HAHA. I thought everyone was crazy and he was kind of weird. Until I read Heart Recaptured (Hades Hangmen #2) where this tortured, broken man stole my heart and I jumped on the bandwagon proud to call myself a Flame Whore. 

Flame is such a dark and tortured soul yet I found him quite beautiful. He was broken and had every reason to be. He lived a life of pure hell… literally. His daily struggle tears my heart to pieces and breaks a little more every time I think about what he went through. How someone can survive everything he went through and still find it in their hearts to love as fiercely as he does completely baffles me. This beautifully broken man is own who has embedded himself in my heart forever.

Maddie is by far one of the strongest, bravest, selfless heroines I have ever had the privilege of reading and she too will forever have a place in my heart. Her innocence was taken from her a long time ago; I couldn’t imagine being born into a place that made you believe your beauty was sin, that you were cursed and to be punished for this. Maddie still managed to find the beauty in the world and in the people around her. I am in complete awe of her.

Flame and Maddie’s connection is indescribable. Their love for one another saved them.  Getting to witness them heal each other is something I will never forget. This book will instil hope into every single person who reads it. Your heart will break, tears will fall but I promise the love these two characters have for one another will heal you before you read the words “the end”. Tillie exceeded every expectation anyone ever had for Flame there is no doubt about it. Do yourself a favour. Read this series, read this book. 
I sat bolt up right in the chair and stared at the dark line of the forest. My heart slammed against my ribcage when a figure emerged from the heavy foliage.
My breathing paused, fear taking hold, then a familiar pair of leather boots and trousers entered the moonlit lawn. Blades hung at his sides, and his torso was naked under the heavy leather cut.
My heart, that was already racing, seemed to beat at an impossible speed. And then Flame lifted his head, and it ceased to beat at all.
The frown that was on his face instantly blanked. His lips mumbling something under his breath, stilling mid-speech.
I clutched the blanket lying over my knees to my chest. I remained frozen, as did Flame. I had not expected him to come tonight, his friend had taken him back to his home. I could see from my window how exhausted he had been.  I could see, even in the haze of moonlight, how tired he was still.
Flame’s hands clenched at his sides. His chest heaved with movement that was too quick, then he abruptly turned on his heel, and with a rigid back, he headed back into the forest.
My stomach sank as he turned to leave, and without conscious thought, I slammed my sketchpad shut, shuffled to the edge of the seat and called out, “Wait! Do not go!”
Flame stopped dead.
As did I.
Swallowing back my nerves, my shock at what I had just done, I said, “Please, Flame. Do not go… I… I am glad you are here.”
Flame’s fingers curled and uncurled at his side, then straightening his shoulders, he slowly turned. His large frame was rigid as he faced me once more. Then he just stood. Stood at the end of the forest, his attention fixed forward.
But I wanted him closer.
Still perched on the edge of my seat, I asked, “Would you like to come closer? I… I have been sitting out here alone as I could not sleep. It…” I took a deep breath, fighting my natural instinct to flee, and continued. “It would be nice to have some company.”
Flame remained still, his rigid body convincing me that he would not come any nearer. Then, to my surprise, he began walking, his powerful legs bringing him closer to where I sat.
In the still and silent night, I could hear him counting his steps one to eleven, then repeating it back to himself under his breath. My head tilted to the side as he approached, a swirl of anticipation and fear mixing in my stomach.
His skin on his arms looked newly cut, and I could not help but feel sad for him. For whatever had happened to make him need to harm himself in such a way.  Grasping the blade in his hand, his fingers tightened on the handle. Like he needed the blade as a comfort.
As though he was nervous to be here with me now.
Inhaling a long breath, I asked quietly, “Would you like to sit?” I pointed at the chair to in front of mine. Flame looked at the chair through his long black lashes, and exhaling sharply through his nose, sat beside me. I smelled the oil and leather. I smelled the rich musk and spice scent that only belonged to Flame and warmth filled my bones.
He was sat beside me.
Flame was sitting right beside me.
Dropping my eyes to the frayed edges of the gray blanket wrapped around me, I played with the clustered strands of wool just for something to help with the nerves accosting my body.
But Flame was absolutely still. Absolutely silent.
Then I glanced to the side only to see him watching. As soon as our eyes met, he dropped his. A blush raced to fill my cheeks, and for some unknown reason, a whisper of a smile pulled on the corner of my mouth.
Lifting my head, I stared at the large moon, and found the courage to speak, “I did not think you would be coming to see me tonight.”
After several seconds of silence, I believed Flame would not respond. Until I caught him shift in his seat, and he said roughly, “I couldn’t stay away.”
My pulse raced at his response and I whispered, “Why?”
Flame’s shoulder shrugged, then focusing back on the blade in his hand, he said, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you. And I…” Flame trailed off.
“And what?” I pushed.
“I needed to be near you. I needed to know you were safe.”
Author Bio
Tillie Cole is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother — a farmers daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses.

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It Ain't Me, Babe (Hades Hangmen #1)

Heart Recaptured (Hades Hangmen #2)
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