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Showing posts with label Chelsea Cameron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chelsea Cameron. Show all posts

UnWritten by Chelsea M. Cameron #Review

Title: UnWritten
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron
Published: July 2014

Children's librarian by day. Romance novelist by night.
British single father.
Someone else is writing this love story...

Blair Walton isn't your average curvaceous tattooed children's librarian. She's also one half of bestselling romance author, Scarlet Rose. Along with her BFF Raine, she spends her nights writing books so steamy, she's afraid they would shock her Southern conservative grandmother to death . . . if she knew about them. That's why she and Raine write in secret.

On deadline for their latest book and out of ideas, Raine suggests (demands) that Blair find a guy and "do some research". Declan Bennet has all the qualifications: He's British, looks fabulous in a suit, has glorious blue eyes and gets bonus points for being an amazing single dad to his adorable son, Drake. But what starts out as a research project quickly turns into something much more. And Blair's not the only one with secrets.

Four Stars

What a great story, I enjoyed every minute!!

I mean seriously what is not to love about a book who's heroine is described as 'curvaceous tattooed children's librarian who is also one half of a bestselling romance author team' and a hero who is a British single father with an adorable little boy? Sounds amazing right? It totally did to me!

“I've told you that I like a well-read woman. Well-read woman tend to know more about a wide range of topics. And you can never be bored with a woman who reads”

Blair Walton is half of the romance writing team Scarlet Rose, with her best friend, or as she refers to her 'PLP - platonic life partner', Raine - this made me laugh every time!! By day, Blaire is also a children's librarian and she absolutely loves her job, everything about it, the books, the kids, the stories, you name it. I also loved the fact that even though she didn't fit the stereotype and was covered in tattoos, she wasn't judged based on this, by anyone! As Blaire is heading up story time one day she meets the sweetest little boy, Drake. Who seems to be unattended simply because his nanny is a total twat who really couldn't care less about Drake but more about landing his wealthy father as a husband. See, told ya, total twat!

Blair and Drake immediately hit it off, so much so that Drake talked so much about the pretty librarian that he wanted his father to meet her. Enter the gorgeous, wealthy, British man that makes Blair's breath catch. She soon discovers that he is a young, single father who recently went through an ugly divorce and although he is instantly attracted to Blair he only wants them to enjoy each other but is not looking for a relationship....yeah, can you guess where this is going??

There are plenty of things that happen in between the 'I don't want a relationship' and the 'I've fallen in love with you' parts, as usual but it is all wonderful!

I really enjoyed this book, if you are looking for story with a HEA and characters that you have a hard time not falling for, then I highly recommend this one :)

**This book was provided to me by Netgalley

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About the Author:
Chelsea M. Cameron is a YA/NA New York Times/USA Today Best Selling author from Maine. Lover of things random and ridiculous, Jane Austen/Charlotte and Emily Bronte Fangirl, red velvet cake enthusiast, obsessive tea drinker, vegetarian, former cheerleader and world's worst video gamer. When not writing, she enjoys watching infomercials, singing in the car and tweeting. She has a degree in journalism from the University of Maine, Orono that she promptly abandoned to write about the people in her own head. More often than not, these people turn out to be just as weird as she is.

Double Cover Reveal ~ Forever Ride and One Ride by Chelsea Camaron

We are so excited to share with you not one, but two new covers from author Chelsea Camaron's Hellions Ride contemporary romance series!

Forever Ride
Book Two of the Hellions Ride Series
by Chelsea Camaron
June 2014

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Events happen in life that can awaken our truest and deepest desires. They also show us our greatest fears. Sometimes we are forced to face those fears, other times we build walls that can’t be broken to protect ourselves.

A profound connection these two once shared. A strong friendship once formed was shattered. Fate has stepped in and shaken both their worlds.

The danger, the wild, the chaos, and the lifestyle of the Hellions world has become far too much for Savannah ‘Sass’ Perchton. Swearing off bikers and attempting a ‘normal’ life, she has settled. She’s committed to Nick, her country club, pretty boy. She’s found a way to be content.

Things aren’t always what they seem. Wrap an empty box in pretty paper and a bow, it may look amazing, but it’s still a hollow shell.

He’s a Hellions playboy. A different chick in his bed, off on a different ride, and always something new. He’s Frank ‘Tank’ Oleander, Haywood’s Hellions Road Chief. Throttle down and life is good.

The fast pace of the Hellions life catches up to him. At a crossroads, he’s forced to face some life changing thoughts or succumb to the darkness of death. Teetering on the brink of giving in, her voice is all he’s holding onto. The coma he can’t pull himself out of, her voice is what he holds onto.

She’s sworn off bikers. He’s facing the Reaper. Can he pull through? Can she ever see past the lifestyle to the heart of the man behind the cut? Will they find their Forever Ride?

Climbing off the bike, my legs are unsteady. 
“Button, you don’t have to stay here with him. You know that, right?”
“Tank, it’s complicated,” I remind him.
“So you keep sayin’, but the way I see it, you can’t be you here. The fancy car, big house, stiff clothes, and boring hair… that shit ain’t you. Button, you gotta live life.”
“I’m safe living here with Nick. The Hellions aren’t safe. You, for one, should see that.”
“What I see is family. What I see is you’re afraid. You once called me out about being afraid of commitment. Well, Button, you’re full of fear, too. Fear of the unknown. There was a time when you wanted to take chances, to hell with the consequences. What happened?”
“Lots of shit happened throughout my life. The club life, it’s not for me. I’m not strong enough.”
“This is the life you were born into. It’s in your blood. Holding on to me just now, you relaxed into the ride like it was second nature. You know you’re meant for this, and you’re meant for me. Life’s too short, Button.”
“Tank, just let it go. Just let me go. Please,” I beg him, unsure how much more I can take before I climb back on his bike and let him take me away.
“Roundman once told me to play the cards life deals us. Well, folding is not an option. You’re in my cards. Life placed you in my hand and I’m building my winning play around you. Sort your shit, Button, because I’m not letting go.”
The tears are building behind my eyes. “Please, give me time. You were gone a long time.”
“I didn’t come here to upset you or force my hand today. I’m gonna go, but I’m not giving up on you.”
Leaning over to him since he’s still on his bike, I kiss his cheek. “Until next time, Tank.”

“Until next ride, Button,” he responds with a wink as he cranks the bike and then proceeds to pull away, leaving my heart and my life a mess.

One Ride
Book One of the Hellions Ride Series
by Chelsea Camaron
December 19th 2013

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Delilah “Doll” Reklinger never imagined her life with anyone that wasn’t a Hellion. She never imagined there would be a Hellion that could prove himself worthy enough to her father, Roundman, Hellions Club President. Content in living in the bubble of safety the motorcycle club family has always provided, Doll never thought that danger surrounded her.

Roundman has kept the Hellions contained for the last thirty years by controlling the chaos surrounding their lifestyle. When the dangerous side to their business comes knocking on his door, he realizes his precious Doll isn’t safe. The Hellions code may be that women and children are off limits in any altercation or dispute, but that doesn’t mean their enemies follow that same moral compass.

His only child, now in danger from the association to him and his club, Roundman makes a decision. He sends her away with a charter club member that he trusts, in hopes that the trouble won’t follow.

One ride across the country. One simple ride. Talon “Tripp” Crews has been ordered to take Doll on one ride away and to keep her safe. She’s off limits. His head knows this, but his body can’t deny the attraction. She’s feisty, fierce, and fearless.

Constantly in close confines together, can they deny the chemistry? Will they give into the desire? Can one ride turn lust into love?

Copyright © Chelsea Camaron 2013


The thoughts of having her like this for my lifetime brings warmth deep inside of me.  Today, I bring her back to my house.  Tonight, I will have her in my bed.  Tomorrow, I return her to her world.  Tomorrow, I say goodbye to my lifeline.  Tomorrow, I say goodbye to my heart because when I leave, I leave it with her.  As much as it’s going to suck, I’m going to leave her.  It’s going to crush me, but I’m going to walk away.  The other thing Pop’s always said, “Don’t give your woman unnecessary pain.”  My life would be unnecessary pain for Doll.  
I have all of today, tonight, and tomorrow’s ride to make sure Doll knows she’s my treasure.  Starting in this moment, when I gently rub the back of my hand against her face.  Knowing she’s asleep, I share what’s on my mind.
Whispering to her, “You’re everything, Doll.  You’re the good in me.  When the days get long, you’ll be what pulls me through.  I’m gonna let you go, but I’m always gonna carry you with me.”  I watch her breathing.  
No longer able to contain myself, I move to kiss her forehead.  Rolling her over, I kiss her cheek, then her neck.  She’s waking up under me.  I take my time trailing kisses over her neck and collar bone.  She reaches up, running her fingers through my hair.  Our eyes meet. The words are on the tip of my tongue, but unable to come out.  I see the love this woman has for me in the depths of those piercing blue eyes.  Does she see what I feel for her?  Does she see the man behind the bike?  Rather than speak the words, I spend my morning making love to her body.  Taking in every second of this and committing it to my memory in a way to last me a lifetime. 

Tomorrow, she’ll be home.  Tomorrow, our ride will end.  Tomorrow, I’ll be man enough to walk away.  We’re in too deep.  I never should’ve let this happen, emotions and entanglements are things I don’t do. Today, I’ll give her all of me.  Today, I’ll take everything I can.  Today, I’ll let my weakness for her consume me.

Chelsea Camaron was born and raised in Coastal North Carolina. She currently resides in Southern Louisiana with her husband and two children but her heart is always Carolina day dreaming.
Chelsea always wanted to be a writer, but like most of us, let fear of the unknown grab a hold of her dream; she realized that if she was going to tell her daughter to go for her dreams, that it was time to follow her own advice.

Chelsea grew up turning wrenches alongside her father, and from that grew her love for old muscle cars and Harley Davidson motorcycles, which just so happened to inspired her ‘Love and Repair’ series and the ‘Hellions Ride’ motorcycle club series. Her love for reading has sparked a new love for writing and she currently has a few more projects in the works.

When she is not spending her days writing you can find her playing with her kids, attending car shows, going on motorcycle rides on the back of her husband’s Harley, snuggling down with her new favorite book or watching any movie that Vin Diesel might happen to be in. She hates being serious and is still a big kid at heart. She is a small town country girl enjoying life and, Chelsea hopes that her readers remember not to take life too seriously and to embrace your inner five year old, because five year olds know how to enjoy the simple things in life and how to always have fun.