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Showing posts with label Book Spotlight. Show all posts

SURPRISE ANNOUNCEMENT!! Very Wicked Beginnings (Briarcrest Academy #1.5) by Ilsa Madden-Mills

Because Ilsa Madden-Mills fell in love with her beautifully flawed characters in Very Wicked Things, she penned Very Wicked Beginnings as a prequel novella to the book, featuring the story of football star Cuba Hudson and ballerina Dovey Beckham.

Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, all May proceeds from the sale of the novella will be donated to The Keith Milano Memorial Fund which benefits the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).  www.afsp.org 
Very Wicked Beginnings
Briarcrest Academy #1.5
(A prequel novella to Very Wicked Things)
Release: Both books will release on May 13th!
Author: Ilsa Madden-Mills
Cover: Photography by Toski Covey
Graphics: Sommer Stein at Perfect Pear Creative Covers
Model: Tanner Belcher

Girls say I’m a walking, talking sex god. Guys call me Hollywood because my life is golden.
It’s not.
But, ESPN did rank me as a four star recruit, calling me one of the best defensive players since Briarcrest Academy opened its esteemed doors. So yeah, with football and a stellar 
GPA, my future seemed good.

Then Dovey Beckham shows up in her short skirts and ballet shoes. Driving me insane. Making me want to beg for her attention.
But that wouldn’t happen, because Cuba Hudson didn’t beg for anything.

She walked around BA like she owned the place, and most days she looked right through me…the one girl I couldn’t have.

So, of course, I made it my mission to claim her, to put her notch on my bedpost.

Because no girl can resist the Heartbreaker of BA.

But I never planned on destroying her.

I never planned on wrecking the one thing that could save me.

Welcome to Briarcrest Academy, where wicked love begins…and ends.

Chapter One
“Two things about me: I play football—and girls.” –Cuba Hudson
I wanted the gorgeous girl in the window.
More specifically, I wanted the dark-haired girl dancing inside the Symthe Arts Building as I stood outside on the twenty yard line at football practice, fixated on her when I should have been focused on the line of scrimmage. I adjusted my helmet and squinted through the afternoon Dallas sun.
Did I know her?
Movement from other players on the field pulled me back. Good thing. As defensive end, it was my job to put the screws to or sack the quarterback as soon as the ball snapped. But I was off today. Probably because I knew I had a shit ton of homework waiting for me at home. With my dream of being a doctor and getting into a good school, being on top of my game in class was important as well. Briarcrest Academy was one of the top-rated private schools in the country, making expectations here high.
Just like every eighteen-year-old kid out there, I had stresses.
But I did have more than the average. I had a sick mom.
But those thoughts faded when I looked back at the window and watched the girl run and then leap in the air, her body doing some kind of crazy in-the-air-leg-split-thing. Damn. She’d gotten at least four feet off the ground.
Then, after landing on her feet light as a feather, she danced away from my view. I waited for her to come back, wanting to check out her toned muscles again, especially her tight ass. And then I randomly wondered if her tits were small. Weren’t all dancers? Yeah. But still, she looked—
“Pay attention, Hudson!” Coach Howe yelled at me.
Fuck. Caught.
I automatically stiffened and tightened my defensive stance, running my eyes across the offensive line, waiting for the play. But the quarterback was pussy-footing around still undecided if they were gonna run or pass. Whatever. Matt the Quarterback was a complete jack ass. I ate guys like him for lunch which wasn’t hard when you’re tall and fast like me. 
I got bored.
Out of my peripheral vision, I caught a flash of pink dashing past the window.
She was back.
And like I was addicted to her, my eyes drifted to the building again, one part baffled by the fascination, the other part wanting to get another glimpse of her long legs. As I watched, she adjusted her ponytail as she laughed up at her ballet partner—who was a dude. Crazzzy. Yeah, you’d think he’d be all feminine and shit, but he wasn’t. Nope. Dude looked buff, like he could bench press a school bus.
Something about the girl called to me. Yeah, it was probably that short skirt she wore. I pictured slipping my hand underneath it to her panties. Her core would be hot, on fire for me, of course, and I’d ease my finger inside her wet—
Bam!  I took a hard hit from Tank Carson, an All District offensive guard I routinely ran circles around in practice. He might be big, but I was quick and smart and had more moves than a freaking octopus. So the chance to plant my distracted ass on the turf was an early Christmas present for him. That's what I get for letting some piece of ass get in my game, even if it was practice.  
And so. My unprepared body flew through the air with 290 pounds of Tank on top of it. My head followed my body and hit the turf, the contact reverberating inside my helmet and then everything went black…
Charity Information:

The Keith Milano Memorial Fund was established to help raise awareness about the devastating and deadly disease that is mental illness. Keith’s spirit and laughter is kept alive through our efforts to increase awareness about mental illness and to raise money for education and imperative research. Keith often struggled with society’s perception of mental illness.  Our hope is that by having the strength to say that Keith was “Bipolar” we can strip away the stigma and help others to be more open about their disease. www.keithmilano.org

The Keith Milano Memorial Fund benefits the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).  www.afsp.org 

AFSP is the only national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research and education, and to reaching out to people with mood disorders and those affected by suicide.

Add Very Wicked Beginnings to you Goodreads
Add Very Wicked Things to your Goodreads
Ilsa’s website 

Haven’t read the first book #1 New Adult Romance Very Bad Things? It’s on sale!!
Author Bio:
Ilsa Madden-Mills writes about strong heroines and sexy alpha males that sometimes you just want to slap. She spends her days with two small kids, a neurotic cat, and her Viking husband. She collects magnets and rarely cooks except to bake her own pretzels. When she’s not typing away at a story, you can find her drinking too much Diet Coke, jamming out to Pink, or checking on her carefully maintained chocolate stash. She loves to hear from fans and fellow authors.

Very Wicked Things 
USA Today Book Trailer

Cover Reveal Hosted by:


Their Second Chance by April Angel ~ Blog Tour, Review, Giveaway

Title: Their Second Chance
Author: April Angel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 28, 2014
Publisher: Latin Goddess Press

After five years with a man she loved, Ariana Parker held the divorce papers in hand. From the moment she met him, Nick was the only man to make her body burn and fill her heart with joy, but somewhere along the way, they lost their ability to communicate--in any language.
Nick Parker lost the woman he loved to the trials of conception. Their inability to cope with their failure broke down their relationship and their friendship. And now, he's left with a woman he lusts after, longs for, and doesn't know how to reach.
One locked door and plenty of time to hash out their problems will either leave them broken forever or might just be the glue that holds them together.

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Ariana Parker lifted her gaze from the steering wheel. She stared at the clean, dark-gray lines of the ultra-modern office building in front of her. She swallowed down the acid burning the back of her throat and hoped she wouldn’t get sick. 
A wild churning, which started the moment she opened her eyes that morning, grew in intensity when she thought of what she was there for: to sign the divorce papers. She gathered every scrap of courage she could muster, which wasn’t much at this point, and tried to calm her nerves.
Another wave of anxiety rushed through her. It would take so little for her to crumble. The knot in her throat grew bigger. She wanted to scream and cry and curse the world for her misery. When her lawyer’s assistant called her, she’d had the crazy hope that Nick might have changed his mind. That wasn’t the case. Instead, she had calmly informed Ari that everything was ready for their signatures. 
After shutting off the engine, she had to mentally prepare herself to see the only man she’d ever loved. And the only man it hurt to have lost. So many years together. All gone. Her heart squeezed hard in her chest. Pain was a constant for her now. So much a part of her life since they’d separated that she had almost forgotten what it was like to be happy.
Cool evening air caressed her bare arms when she slid out of her navy Chevy. The car was Nick’s gift to her on their last anniversary, and the only thing she had left of their life together. Piercing anger stabbed at her chest, making her wince. They’d lasted seven years together. Five of those years married. Five amazing years. 
Until it all went to hell.
She’d never understand how they went from best friends to strangers in the course of a year. Her mind fought against the idea that they’d been ill-suited to begin with. That he wasn’t the right man for her. Or that she wasn’t the right woman for him.
Nick’s pick-up was already parked in front of the entrance. She gulped at the dryness in her throat, rubbed her palms on the sides of her sundress, and hoped she didn’t make a spectacle of herself. 
The closer she moved to the building, the harder it became to breathe. Sorrow, rage, and a mixture of desolation mingled to create a large void inside her. This was the last straw. She’d not only lost her husband, but she’d lost her best friend. She thought of what lay ahead and chastised herself for losing her cool. Damn it all to hell! It was hard to concede defeat when Nick had been her first and only love. As much as it hurt to admit it, she’d been the one to ask for the divorce, and he hadn’t fought it. He hadn’t argued or complained. All he’d done was say if that was what she wanted he was fine with it. 
White-hot anger rose within her. Like giant cresting waves of heat, she felt it spread inside. She let it expand until she was fuming from his lack of concern for her. Clearly, divorce was the best option for them. It was overdue. Putting off the inevitable would only add more years of torture for them both. And though they had been estranged for almost two years, she didn’t wish Nick any harm. Time to finish this. 
She yanked the lobby door open and freezing air slid over her, cooling some of the sizzle on her skin. She glanced around. Small, black sofas sat to one side while a large, glass receptionist desk was placed by the hallway that led to the partner offices and conference rooms. Her gaze clashed with Nick’s. For a second, her heart tripped. The emotions hidden deep in her heart—the ones she’d been fighting to ignore all day—rose to the surface. Love. Desire. Need. And pain.
She watched him stand as soon as he saw her. Her gaze roamed his body, remembering the feel of each line under her fingers. A blue T-shirt hugged his muscular torso, muscles he’d gained from working long hours at his construction company. She gulped, tamping down the instant flare of arousal. Figured her body would betray her. Disgust at herself flourished just as quickly as her pulse quickened. How could their bodies be so attuned but their minds be in such disarray? Faded denim encased his legs, and the black work-boots she was all too familiar with covered his feet. 
A bright blaze ignited from the quick glance at the man she’d once known so well. Chemistry had never been a problem for them. She licked her lips. Her gaze slowly worked its way back up his body, this time taking in the sleeve tattoos covering his arms in intricate and beautiful designs. She continued up until her gaze met his blue eyes.

Book Trailer

Five Stars

A lot of people will tell you that it hurts to be without the person you love, but the truth is that it's like living with no purpose.”

Their Second Chance is a heart-wrenching story of a couple torn apart by the issue of infertility. It begins with them about to make their divorce final. However; fate has a twisted way of showing up when least expected, and a journey to a second chance begins.

One of the strengths that I loved about this story is that April Angel shows a couple learning to communicate when they had failed to do so in the past. My heart broke for Nick and Ari. Nick is so devoted to his wife, and loves her so much. Ari is fiercely independent despite to her mother-in-law's chagrin. Ms. Angel quickly establishes that these two are physically compatible, and at first it made me wonder if things were happening too fast. Then I realized that they've known each other for a long time. Their attraction to each other had never been the problem. As I kept reading, I felt for both characters. I liked that there are scenes with Nick and Ari not only just living in the moment, but also emotionally breaking down and then struggling to get on the same page.

It's not easy when a couple hits this type of bump in their marriage, and everyone deals with this situation in their own way. Although I would have loved for more details with certain things, I appreciate that the author clearly focused on Nick and Ari working out their problems. I think Ms. Angel did a wonderful job describing the feelings of pain, helplessness and devotion to come across as authentic as possible. Whether you've been in the same boat or not, this story will tug at your heart.

Hi! I'm Milly (AKA April Angel) I love to write sexy stories. They're usually either paranormal or contemporary with a large dose of heat. My paranormal stories can be anything from wolf-shifters (my favorites) to witches, demons and anything in between. My contemporaries are usually anything from soldiers to corporate romances. 
I was born the prettiest part of the Caribbean known as the Dominican Republic. Currently, I live in New York City with my hubby, the bossy kiddo and our little dog "Needy Speedy". Don't ask.
When I'm not working some really long hours at the day job, or hanging out in the awful life-sucking invention known as Facebook, messaging my bestie in the UK or shopping with my sis Julie, then I can be found watching scary movies. Buuut when I'm not doing that, I'm usually writing because the voices won't shut up.
I am addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn't, right?) and Dunkin' Donuts coffee.
Come on over and visit me! I love to meet new readers!
I hope you enjoyed this book. If you did, please consider writing a review
Like my books? Want to stay on top of all things Milly? Sign up for my newsletter HERE: http://mad.ly/signups/87477/join

There’s a monthly $50 GC Giveaway to all the emails signed up to get the latest news on my releases.

Find out more about Milly Taiden here:

Email: millytaiden@gmail.com

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Follow the tour HERE.

Sex and the Single Vamp by Robin Covington Blog Tour #Review #Giveaway

Sex and the Single Vamp
Robin Covington

Release Date: 3/24/14
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Cici Trent, vampire and media darling, spends her days finding true love for humans and supernaturals (the "Others") at her dating agency. But someone is trying to sabotage her business and she needs help. Unfortunately, the best man for the job is the one who broke her still-beating heart two hundred fifty-four years ago.

Deacon is a patient vampire. He’s only loved one woman in over three hundred years— CiCi— and she chose another. So when she shows up in his office asking for help, he finally has the chance to lay that demon to rest. He’ll help her, but for a price—a night in his bed.

Adrenaline, mischief, and a little late-night B&E light the passion that even a couple of lifetimes couldn’t put out. But Deacon has a secret and when Cici is suddenly mortal, his deception might be the only way restore her immortality. Can love bridge the gap between a heartbeat and forever?

Love. Sex. Eternity. Dating never gets easier.

Book Links:

4.0 – 4.5 Stars

200-plus years is a long time to deny your feelings for someone, but when Cici asks for Deacon's help, he can't refuse her. See, it all began with a promise Deacon had made to her father. Now, he thinks it's time they stop dancing around each other and finally give into certain needs. Is Cici about to make a deal with the devil?

Wowza! This is one dark-vampy-delicious read! Cici is such a great character. She's a vampire who is a hopeless romantic. She believes in the forever kind of love so much that she has made it her job to help others find their soul mates. Dark and broody Deacon is her total opposite, and thinks he can easily move on after any short fling with Cici.

Robin Covington swept me away with the world-building and rich characters in this story! I got drawn into Cici and Deacon's history, how they lived their immortal lives and co-exist with humans. I thought their friends Mya and Andy were so fascinating. This story is about 143 pages, and there's no doubt I wanted more of everything; however, I did find the plot highly enjoyable and refreshing with Cici becoming mortal as it says in the synopsis. There's also a huge twist! Do I recommend Sex and the Single Vamp? If you're a paranormal romance lover and seek a steamy, quickie read, YES!

Author Bio:
Robin Covington, who NYT Best Selling authors, Robyn Carr and Carly Phillips, said was their new “auto-buy author”, writes sizzling hot contemporary and paranormal romance.
A Night of Southern Comfort, her best-selling debut novel was named a 2012 finalist in the RT Book Reviews Reviewers Choice Awards, earned 4.5 stars and was touted by RT Book Reviews as bringing a “fresh, modern feel to the genre while still sticking to the things that get our adrenaline pumping — sex and danger”. When she’s not exploring the theme of fooling around and falling in love, she’s collecting tasty man candy, indulging in a little comic book geek love, and stalking Joe Mangianello.
Robin is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Washington Romance Writers, a faculty member at Romance University, a member of the Waterworld Mermaids, and a contributor to the Happy Ever After blog at USA Today. You can find Robin on her website, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter (@RobinCovington).

Email: robincovingtonromance@yahoo.com

Twitter: @RobinCovington

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~~**~~Tour-Wide Giveaway~~**~~
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Entangled Covet January Releases ~ Love at Stake, Haunt Me

Covets have all the sexiness, emotion, and happily ever after that readers have come to expect and love from Entangled. They are firmly grounded in the contemporary world, but each novel brings in supernatural twists, breaking the contemporary and paranormal rules, alike. To find out more about their titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books you’ll be coveting next, visit the Entangled website, follow them on Twitter, LIKE their Facebook page, and join the Book Club.

Also, make sure to hop on over the Entangled in Romance blog to join in the fun as Covet challenges readers to share their worst date stories. The worse, the better, hold no punches!

Today I'm happy to be featuring Covet's January releases:

Love at Stake by Victoria Davies

Abbey is the lone human working for Fated Match, a company that pairs members of the supernatural community with their eternal mates.

To snag a young vampire socialite as their next client, Abbey journeys to the home of Lucian Redgrave, the oldest vampire on the East Coast. But he's not willing to allow his vampire daughter to use the agency... unless Abbey can first find his perfect match in a month.

As Abbey coaches Lucian through his dates, she can’t deny the chemistry between them. But humans are toys for vampires, and risking her heart isn't a part of the plan.

Haunt Me by Heather Long

Recently divorced author MacKenzie Dillon has lost her writing mojo. When she inherits her great aunt’s haunted house in Virginia, she is determined to make a new start. The creepy old house provides inspiration but at what cost?

Successful architect and paranormal skeptic Justin Kent returns to Penny Hollow to fulfill his father’s dying wish of revitalizing their small town. To do that, he needs the allegedly haunted estate at Summerfield. Mac, the new owner, may be gorgeous and spunky, but she refuses to sell.

These two have a dangerous history that spans the ages, but will they discover the truth in time to save their lives?

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Love Water Memory by Jennie Shortridge ~ Review & Giveaway!

 Title: Love Water Memory 
Author: Jennie Shortridge 

Genre: Women’s Fiction 
Publication Date: January 14, 2014 
Publisher: Gallery Books

Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.


If you could do it all over again, would you still choose him? 

At age thirty-nine, Lucie Walker has no choice but to start her life over when she comes to, up to her knees in the chilly San Francisco Bay, with no idea how she got there or who she is. Her memory loss is caused by an emotional trauma she knows nothing about, and only when handsome, quiet Grady Goodall arrives at the hospital does she learn she has a home, a career, and a wedding just two months away. What went wrong? Grady seems to care for her, but Lucie is no more sure of him than she is of anything. As she collects the clues of her past self, she unlocks the mystery of what happened to her. The painful secrets she uncovers could hold the key to her future—if she trusts her heart enough to guide her.

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Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

About the Author


 Jennie Shortridge has published five novels: Love Water Memory,When She Flew, Love and Biology at the Center of the Universe,Eating Heaven, and Riding with the Queen. When not writing, teaching writing workshops, or volunteering with kids, Jennie stays busy as a founding member of Seattle7Writers.org, a collective of Northwest authors devoted both to raising funds for community literacy projects and to raising awareness of Northwest literature.

Connect with Jennie: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads


Four Stars 

Can you imagine coming to in a strange place and not knowing who you are or how you got there? Your memory...wiped clean! Kind of a scary thought, isn't it? That is what happens to Lucie Walker.

When Lucie learns of her identity, she finds out she is engaged to Grady Goodall. When he picks her up at the hospital, Lucie's journey to piece together her past begins. What will she discover about her former self? Love Water Memory is beautifully told from the POV of three people...mostly Lucie and Grady and a little from Lucie's Aunt Helen. I liked how this book is told in multiple views, and I think it worked best that way as it gave me a sense of the big picture. With Lucie's POV, I felt all her fears, frustrations, and curiosity of the unknown. When Grady takes her home, she is basically going home with a stranger, and this is where Grady's POV becomes essential. His view not only consists of memories of their lives together and how much he loves her, but also includes all his worries and own painful experiences. They must now navigate the waters of the unknown to find the truth, to perhaps reconnecting, and it's an arduous process.

I spent a few days completely wrapped up in Love Water Memory, and I found this story absolutely thought-provoking! Ms. Shortridge's writing flows with vivid and moving storytelling. 

She didn't know him at all, and yet, there was something that told her she did. “It's okay,” she said again and reached out to embrace him, to let him embrace her. 

This is a story of learning to deal, learning to move on, and eventually learning the true meaning of love. It's a great reminder that the human mind is powerful, yet it has the ability to protect itself when necessary. Love Water Memory is truly a compelling read that left me feeling full of hope.

*A complimentary copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

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Secret Agent Secretary by Melissa Cutler ~ Guest Post, Review, Giveaway!

Please welcome Author Melissa Cutler to Sweet Spot Book Blog!
We're chatting about her latest romantic suspense book release and more! There's a giveaway down below.

~ Q&A ~

1.  Welcome to our blog! Please tell our readers a little about yourself
Hi, Grace, and Hello, Sweet Spot Book Blog readers! My name is Melissa Cutler, and I’m a romance author. A few things you should probably know about me are: 1) my favorite romance novel of all time is THE SECRET by Julie Garwood. (Judith ROCKS!), 2) I have two suspicious rescue cats named Sugar and A.J, 3) I once got a ticket for rolling a stop sign while turning right into a mall parking lot, but I passed traffic school with flying colors!, 4) My favorite movies are Bull Durham and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and 5) I am both a terrible housekeeper and gift wrapper. 
2.  What do you think readers will like about the main couple in Secret Agent Secretary, Ryan and Avery?
Great question! What I’m hoping readers enjoy most about Ryan and Avery is discovering how perfect they are for each other. There’s no better woman for a jaded, weary black ops agent like Ryan who has a deadpan, killer sense of humor than a spy-obsessed, whip-smart optimist like Avery. I love that he loves how smart and capable she is. He doesn’t want to control her or run her life; he wants to help her fly. And in turn, she breathes new life into him and helps him rediscover how much he loves the world of black ops.
3.  In this book Avery has quite the fascination for guns and gadgets.  As a romantic suspense writer I'm sure you've done a lot of research in this area. I'm curious if you have a weapon of choice like Avery does?
Yes, I do research guns and weaponry quite extensively. I find guns and America’s love/hate relationship with them endlessly fascinating. I’m NRA certified with handguns and have tried out many, many other kinds of firearms. So far, the gun I have enjoyed learning about and firing the most is a S&W 1911 pistol. I don’t enjoy shotgun recoil at all, and that would be my least favorite. Of other varieties of weapons besides guns, what I find truly fascinating is everyday objects in a person’s environment that can be turned into weapons—from lamps to T-shirts to (in Avery’s case) paperclips.
4.  Can you share with us a little of what you're currently working on?
Absolutely! Right now I’m working on the second book in my new Destiny Falls series, which is a contemporary romance series that revolves around a men’s league ice hockey team comprised solely of ex-soldiers who were wounded in battle. The first book is titled THE FIRST TIME and it debuts this coming August. The book I’m presently working on, THE ONLY EXCEPTION, comes out in November.
Quickie questions:
Current favorite song or band? Tricky question! The last album I bought was by Florida Georgie Line, the last single I bought was Eminem’s “Friends with the Monster”, and my favorite all-time album is Paul Simon’s The Rhythm of the Saints, so I’d say I have quite the eclectic taste.
Sweet or savory? Savory!
Read anything good lately? Yes. I’m finishing up Lisa Kessler’s You Slay Me, which is a paranormal romance about a demon slayer, and it’s SO GOOD. Loving the alpha hero! 

My thanks to Grace and The Sweet Spot Book Blog for hosting me today. I love hearing from readers and am really easy to find at www.melissacutler.net, on Facebook (www.facebook.com/MelissaCutlerBooks ), and Twitter (@m_cutler). And you can always email me at melissa@melissacutler.net or sign up for my newsletter (http://www.melissacutler.net/newsletter/ ) to find out about my latest books and upcoming events.

Many thanks to Melissa Cutler for stopping by and chatting with us!

Tops on Avery Meadows's bucket list is assisting in the capture of an international criminal mastermind…from the safety of her desk as an ICE Agency secretary. But when fate catapults her into the arms of sexy, brooding Ryan Reitano — an undercover ICE agent with dangerous secrets and a past he's desperate to hide — Avery's dream of saving the world takes on a whole new twist...

Series: ICE: Black Ops Defenders #2
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Book Links:
Read Chapter One on Melissa’s Website: http://bit.ly/161L7B2

ICE: Black Ops Defenders Series:
Book 1 - Tempted Into Danger
Book 2 - Secret Agent Secretary
Book 3 - Hot on the Hunt (expected publication July 2014)

About the Author
 Melissa Cutler knows she has the best job in the world, dividing her time between her dual passions for writing sexy contemporary romances and edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense for Harlequin, Penguin, St. Martin’s Press, and Kensington Books. She was struck at an early age by an unrelenting travel bug and is probably planning her next vacation as you read this. When she’s not globetrotting, she’s enjoying Southern California’s flip-flop wearing weather and wrangling two rambunctious kids.

 Five Stars 

Feel the RUSH!!!

I love reading romantic suspense. I love the feel of being on the edge as the plot moves at a quick pace. I love the build-up of the romance and tension and wondering if the couple will survive in the next moment. I love how the description of a deadly weapon can be so sensual. Secret Agent Secretary made me feel all this and more!

Avery Meadows feels so fortunate to have her job as a secretary for the ICE Agency. She has a huge fondness for anything related to secret agents, spying, and gadgets. Her job is likely the closest thing to getting things checked off her bucket list even if she doesn't really see any action as an office secretary. At least she can admire her office crush, Agent Ryan Reitano, from afar...le sigh! Then one evening Ryan asks for her help. Oh, boy, what happens next turns into one of the BEST thrill rides I've ever been on. What an adrenaline rush!!!

I was first introduced to Ryan in the previous book, Tempted into Danger. In that book you meet all the members of his Black Ops team. Now, Secret Agent Secretary has details on what became of that team, so if you don't want to know, then I suggest reading that book first. The previous book also made me quite interested in Ryan's character. He's very much into taking down international criminal Vincenzo Chiara and in this book you'll find out why. With Avery by his side, his lifelong quest to getting this particular bad guy could very well happen.

Number one rule of being a secret agent—there's a time to kick butt and a time to stay cool. Recognizing which is which can mean the difference between life and death—or worse.” 

I absolutely adored Ryan and Avery! I loved how Avery kept surprising Ryan at every turn. She sure is not any ordinary secretary. I love the kind of heroine that can hold her own, and Avery sure does kick some major butt! There's a scene with paper clips, and...well...let me tell you that I will now be carrying paper clips in my purse in case I need them in that way. And don't get me started on what she named her car. Yep, I'm sort of a fan of Avery, LOL! Ahh, but then there's Ryan, and when you finally learn all his secrets, your heart will just widen for him, too! I loved how these two challenged each other. Then there's this scene with a weapon that was off-the-charts sensual. Oh, my! Can you tell that I freakin' LOVED this book? I can go on and on, but I won't. You'll have to discover how awesome this book and this series is for yourself.

Secret Agent Secretary has everything for romantic suspense fans. It has secrets, car chases, really bad guys, guns, gadgets, double-crossing, and a likeable hero and heroine. There's plenty of action and danger. The story takes place over only a few days, so the plot is very fast-moving. There are lovely twists and turns including a huge my-eyes-totally-bugged-out moment that I didn't see coming!

I enjoy Melissa Cutler's writing very much. I thought it was so clever of her to incorporate the names of well-known fictional secret agents in the story. She sure knows how to draw out the tension between two people while creating a story that finds the right balance of emotion, suspense, intrigue and romance. I really did not want this story to end. I felt like I was part of the adventure the entire time! I'm already bouncing in my seat for the next book!

*A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.*

 ~ Author-Hosted GIVEAWAY ~ 

Melissa Cutler is giving away a copy (print or digital) of TEMPTED INTO DANGER, which is book one of her ICE: Black Ops series (SECRET AGENT SECRETARY is book 2) to one commenter (USA only, sorry).  She would like to know...

What’s YOUR current favorite song or band? Or what was the last song or album you bought?

Please comment below. Giveaway ends 1/19/14.  One commenter will be chosen at random. Good luck!