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Showing posts with label Andrea Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrea Smith. Show all posts

Blog Post & Review ~ Taz (G-Men #4) by Andrea Smith

Meet Taz & Lindsey is this sexy, suspenseful stand alone in the G-Men Series!
Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | iBooks
My life is finally perfect. My dreams have all come true. I'm where I want to be with the bureau; having the career I've been planning since I did my stint in the military. I'm married to the one and only woman I have every loved; my heart beats for her alone. Together we've made beautiful babies that I adore. I'm thirty-three years old and I'm complete.

Then one day it all changes. Slate recruits me for a temporary assignment that is underneath the radar for a reason. The bureau hasn't sanctioned it as a priority but Slate feels it is because of who is involved: Sue Ellen Reynard. Yeah, remember her?

Our lives were perfect. Taz and I had everything we had ever hoped for; family, careers and an everlasting devotion to one another. Suddenly nothing is the same. In a single moment my biggest fear is realized by one phone call from Slate: an 'agent is missing'.

My agent; my Taz.... 

This is just the beginning of our long journey. Will things ever be the same again?
You know when you’re just reading along and everything is all hunky dory and then you see the bad thing coming and you know it’s coming and it’s gonna hurt, and it’s gonna be bad but you can’t do anything except read in head first…??? Yeah, that’s what happened here!! Holy Fuck – does HEA really have to be too good to be true?

Ok, so yeah, I had a bit of a panic attack while reading this, thinking OMG how are we gonna fix this friggin mess – but of course after freaking this girl right the fuck out, then making me cry (which btw, happened in all of the G-Men books) they picked me up, dusted me off and made it ok, I am happy to say I have made a full recovery!! :D

I have loved Taz and Lindsey from the very beginning and their love was such a hard won thing they REALLY didn’t need any more fucking bad shit to happen to them – So all I can say is that the wonderful Andrea Smith must be a Sadist!! Just kidding sweetheart, you know I love you! But seriously, please let Taz and Linds have their HEA now with no more bad shit…pretty please!!

I know I’ve done a lot of sassin’ in this little review but let me assure you, that’s just me being me, the smartass you all know and love!! The G-Men are the yummiest of the yummy and the sex is off the charts!! So while this is #4 in the series, it is a MUST READ – and if you haven’t read this series yet, then you can’t read this one without the first three so really there is your reason for binging right there!!!Now, if you have a problem with hunky Alphas, Smokin’ Hot Sex, and some edge of your seat suspense then these are not for you – but all you other smut lovin’ babes out there….Go get yourself some G-Men baby!!!!
I wiped my hands clean, tossed the towel into the trash and grabbed my wife's hand, pulling her behind me up the wide staircase to the second floor. Once there, outside of those closed french doors that had been my iron curtain for the past several weeks, I pushed them open, pulled her into the room with me, and then kicked them shut with one swift move.

I pulled her close, raising her shirt up and she didn't resist; but instead, raised her arms up so that I could pull it up and over her head. I unfastened her front closure bra, releasing her beautiful tits that I hadn't touched in months.

I lifted her up, and carried her over to the bed--our bed, gently placing her on her back, so that I could straddle her and begin feasting on her breasts.

She moaned beneath me with pleasure. I multitasked, sucking on a breast while I unfastened her jeans, before raising myself back up so that she could shimmy out of them. I pulled my shirt up and over my head, and then quickly unfastened my jeans, shedding them along with my boxers in one swift movement.

I lowered myself back over her, my mouth finding hers. I slowed my pace. I sure as hell didn't want to come before my dick was even inside of her, but I swear to God, I knew I wouldn't last long. I kissed her softly, playfully, as my teeth gently nipped at her bottom lip.

Our tongues interlaced, and her arms wrapped around me tightly, pulling my face and upper body even closer to her. I was consumed by her scent, her softness, her sweetness--all of it. She was mine to claim and holy fuck if I wasn't going to! Nothing--I repeat--nothing was going to keep me from sinking my cock into her sweet pussy and showing her that she was mine--now and always.

And then we heard it.

At the same time.


From the room down the hall, Jackson was crying. And it wasn't just a fussy or whiney cry that would likely stop so that he could return promptly to sleep.

Hell no!

It was a loud-ass wailing, followed by a high-pitched shriek of "Mommeee!"

Over and over.
Seriously dude?

Lindsey squirmed underneath me, pushing against my chest.

"I'll get him, babe," I said, getting up.

"No," she said gently, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. "It's okay, Taz. He's calling for me. I'll get him."

She launched herself out of our bed, and quickly went to the closet, pulling on her white terry cloth robe, making a quick exit so that she could tend to our son.

The little cockblocker.

I made a mental note to ground his ass just as soon as he was old enough to understand the whole concept.

I swear.
Haven’t met the men of the of the G-Men Series yet? Now is your chance. The entire G-Men Series is together for a limited time box set! Yes, those hot, alpha FBI agents, and their ladies, along with the spin-off characters of 'These Men' are packaged together for this limited time offer. This is your chance to meet Slate, Taz, Easton, Eli and Cain Maddox if you haven't yet had the . . . pleasure!

About Andrea
Stalk Her: Facebook | Twitter | Amazon  | Goodreads

I was born and raised in southern Ohio, and with the exception of a brief stint in Dallas, TX, have been an Ohioan most of my life. My dream has always been to write a novel, and back in the early eighties I tried to do just that, having been influenced by authors such as Kathleen Woodiwiss, Johanna Lindsey, Rosemary Rogers and Laurie McBain. I remember writing to all of them through their listed publishers, and the only response I received was from Johanna Lindsey (who lived in Hawaii at the time.

Ms. Lindsey advised me to continue with my dream; and to submit to various publishers again and again. Of course, at that time, publishing e-books yourself was not on the horizon; there were vanity publishing houses of course, but she advised me to avoid those.

So my dream was put on the back-burner for more than 25 years until June of 2012 when suddenly I no longer had a reason not to write a novel. My sons were grown; I found myself without a career (blessedly) and the creative juices flowed once again.

I finished my first novel, "Maybe Baby" in September of 2012; the next two books in the "Baby Series" titled "Baby Love" and "Be My Baby" were published in early 2013. I learned a lot in my first endeavor with self-publishing. I've made so many friends as a result that it is over-whelming.

In the spring of 2013, I had an idea for a different type of Alpha, and wrote Book #1 of the "G-Man" Series, titled "Diamond Girl." This book was well-received, and I followed it with Book #2, "Love Plus One." These are stand-alone books.

I am finally doing what I love and I sincerely appreciate the wonderful readers who provide feedback and take the time to comment. I hope that with each book, my writing has grown and improved as I strive to publish quality fiction.

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