In this sequel
to Wallbanger, the second book in the Cocktail series, fan favorites
Caroline and Simon negotiate the rollercoaster of their new relationship while
house-sitting in San Francisco.
Playing house
was never so much fun—or so confusing. With her boss on her honeymoon,
Caroline’s working crazy long hours to keep the interior design company
running—especially since she’s also the lead designer for the renovation of a
gorgeous old hotel on Sausalito. So with her hotshot photographer boyfriend
gallivanting all over the world for his job, she and Simon are heavy-duty into
“absence makes the heart grow fonder” mode. Neither has any complaints about
the great reunion sex, though! Then Simon decides he’s tired of so much travelling,
and he’s suddenly home more. A lot more. And wanting Caroline home more, too.
Though their friends’ romantic lives provide plenty of welcome distraction,
eventually Caroline and Simon have to sort their relationship out. Neither
wants “out of sight, out of mind,” but can they create their own happy
mid-ground cliché?
USA TODAY bestselling author Alice
Clayton delivers another delicious, frothy cocktail of a book, shaking up her
characters, stirring in laugh-out-loud humor, and serving sizzling romance straight

3.5 Stars
not always about that. It can still be amazing, you know? Some nights, being
here, being close with you, is all I need.”
I love Alice
Clayton; I really do. Ever since her Redhead Series, which I hold in the
HIGHEST regard, she’s had my number. I love her smart and witty heroines and
her drop dead sexy Heroes. With that said, I think my expectations of her
stories are very high. I really liked the first book in the series, Wallbanger,
but I didn’t love it; and the same can be said about this one, although this
one…not so much.
Simon and
Caroline are in love, but no matter how blissful their relationship might be, they
lead pretty separate lives. He’s traveling a lot, while Caroline is busy with
her career, but they do make it work. Simon is adorable and just simply adores
Caroline. However, there were parts of the book where I wanted to smack
Caroline for making drama where there really was no need for any of it. Know
what I mean?
Overall, I love
the dynamic between the two, but I wanted a little more from them. It seemed
like some of the focus shifted onto the other characters of the book, which was
okay, but I wanted more from our Hero and heroine. Don’t get me wrong, most of
you will probably love this book since it’s still Alice being Alice, but for
me, it was a far cry from her Redhead Series.
*Complimentary Advanced Review Copy provided by Netgalley &
Gallery Books in exchange for an honest review*