Their love had the power of a
runaway freight train, and the potential to be just as destructive.
The tempestuous sequel to Bad
Things picks up where the first book left off. Reeling from a profound loss,
Tristan and Danika struggle to pick up the pieces and build a life together,
but the hard habits of a lifetime are not so easy to escape.
Rock Bottom takes us on a dual
point of view journey through addiction and desire, through love and agony, and
answers the question we’ve been asking since these characters were introduced
in Grounded: “What happened between Tristan and Danika?”
Even love couldn’t cushion a fall
like ours. My love for Tristan was so big that I felt consumed by it, and even
so, it was not enough to overpower our combined demons.
I struggled. I yelled and screamed.
I scratched and kicked.
I fought like hell, but even the
most determined fighters have to stop before they break.
No one could say I didn’t fight for
“I love you,” I spoke softly into
his ear.
He gripped me harder. “I can’t ever
lose you, Danika. I’m not sure I’d survive it.”
“You’ve got me. And I’m not going
anywhere. Not ever.”
I meant the words when I said them,
but life had other plans for us.
I’d have given my life for that
fight. In fact, I very nearly did.
She was the one.
If I’d ever had a doubt, I didn’t
now. She was the one I’d be thinking about, longing for, until I took my last
breath. If I lost her tomorrow, I’d pine for her like a lovesick fool.
This was the kind of love that only
hit you once in your life.
This book is intended for readers
18 and up.

4.5 Stars
**Possible spoilers for those of
you who haven’t read Bad Things (book #1)**
Every misstep that led us down the
path to our destruction was our own doing
That above quote, my dear friends,
is how the prologue ended. Very ominous isn’t it? To say I was freaking out was
an understatement. After reading book one, I immediately jumped to this book. I
wanted more of Tristan and Danika’s story. They were addictive.
Addictive. Hmmm…
Funny. That word holds a lot of
meaning, especially in this second book. This book had such a different vibe
from book one. This one had me worried from the very beginning. It felt like I
was walking on eggshells the entire time; waiting for the axe to fall and
destroy this couple’s already fragile and combustible relationship.
I was, by nature, a fighter, and no
one could say I didn’t fight for us.
I’d have given my life for that
In fact, I very nearly did.
Danika and Tristan’s relationship
is as intense as they come. They need each other like they need air, but
they’re relationship is about to get tested even more. Tristan’s band has been
signed to a record deal, which means time away from Danika. From Vegas to L.A.,
they try to make it work, but insecurities and obsession start to reel its ugly
head – from both sides of the relationship.
Danika is missing Tristan like crazy,
but she wanted to support Tristan’s opportunity to make it big in the music
world. However this scenario is just asking for trouble. The constant flow of
drugs and Tristan’s man-whore past are always at the forefront of her mind. I
couldn’t really fault her for this considering there was Dean, bandmate and
friend of Tristan, who constantly plotted to break them apart. Oh hell, yes, I
would be worried, too.
I lay awake for a long time,
stroking his hair, watching him sleep, like a mama bear with a cub, knowing he
was slipping away, knowing he was on the wrong path, a path that was bad for
him and agonizing over what I could do to help him.
Tristan is more possessive and
protective over Danika. He’s been through so much loss already and spending
days away from her makes his coping capabilities practically non-existent. He
tends to turn to alcohol and drugs to cope. He becomes more volatile by the
minute. The strain in their relationship slowly stretches out throughout this
story until it snapped and all that was left was broken and damaged beyond
The contrast unraveled me faster.
What I’d left behind, the constant using, the highs followed by the strung out
lows, only the lows were more unbearable than ever. I couldn’t exist as me,
couldn’t stand how that felt.
Not without her.
I almost gave up and said, “fuck
it.” I almost just jumped to book three because I didn’t want to see this
couple fall. However, my friend encouraged me to not skip this book. As much as
I’m glad I didn’t. Yes, this was intense. Both Tristan and Danika broke my
heart. They loved each other so much, but fate had different ideas for them.
This was an emotional rollercoaster and it shook me to the point where I was
spent and tearing up after this ended.
This was not a pretty read, but as
I look back I realized that this part of their story was essential to tell;
their relationship wouldn’t have made the impact on me if it was left out. I
wholeheartedly cherished their beautiful and steamy moments together, which
were PLENTY. I was consumed by their all-consuming love, but I knew where this
was headed and I was bracing for the crash.
Crash. Hmmm…
Another word that hold more
meaning. I’m just so relieved that book three is out so I have a chance to
finally breathe. Wow. What a ride so far.

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