Danika hasn’t had an easy life. Being insanely attracted to bad boys has never helped make it easier.
One look at Tristan, and every brain cell she possessed went up in smoke. This man was trouble with a capital T. It was a given.
She knew better. Bad boys were bad. Especially for her. Considering her history, it was crazy to think otherwise. So why did crazy have to feel so damn fine?
For as long as she could remember, Danika had been focused on the future with single-minded purpose. Tristan came along and taught her everything there was to know about letting go, and living in the present. She fell, hard and deep. Of course, that only made her impact with the ground that much more devastating.
Bad Things is about Tristan and Danika, and their train wreck of a love story. This series can be read as a standalone, or with the Up in the Air series.
Bad Things is a full length novel, at roughly 105,000 words.
This book is intended for ages 18 and up.

4.5 Stars
I knew that we were going to be a dangerous combination. Bad things were going to happen if we spent too much time around each other.
My friend Trish recommended this series to me and told me that it’s a must read. I was a bit skeptical especially since I’m not familiar with this writer’s Up In the Air Series and apparently this is a spin-off from that series. But she reassured me that this was a standalone series and that I didn’t need the other series to fully appreciate this one. Plus it helped knowing that all three books were out and I didn’t have to wait for full satisfaction.
I am so happy I gave this book a chance. As I write this, I want you all to know that I’ve already read all three in the series, but I felt the need to review each book as their own entity because they each had their own vibe; their own feel to them. The vibe I received from this one was the one you feel when you first fall in love – the freefall feeling you get when you plunge head first into the unknown, but look forward to the exhilaration. Don’t get me wrong, this story is not all daisies and pretty…oh no! This was a bit angsty, so be warned.
“I need you. I’ve never needed anyone or anything the way I need you. I need you in a way that would break me if I lost you. Being with you makes every part of my life better. Every second I get with you is the best second of my life. I’m not good at expressing myself, not like you are, but I treasure this thing between us.”
I’m not sure how to accurately describe Tristan and Danika’s relationship in this book. The first words that come to mind: Infuriating, steamy and combustible. The first time Danika and Tristan met, their chemistry is palpable. You knew they had an instant connection, but both were reluctant to take the plunge. Danika’s track record with men and relationships were not all that great. She knew from the first glance that Tristan was Trouble with a capital T. As for Tristan, well, he was a little more than intrigued with Danika. Her sass, along with her sarcasm and tell-it-like-it-is-attitude made her irresistible.
First and foremost, their relationship started out as only being friends. They bantered, they fought and teased each other mercilessly; they simply enjoyed being around each other. They even tried making up rules and boundaries so that they can keep their beloved friendship intact. They meant too much to each other to risk losing one another. However, we all know that things were going to happen and when they did, OMG!
“I’m going to fuck you hard on the hood of this car, in the pouring rain. And. You. Are. Not. Going. To. Forget. It.”
Their chemistry in the bedroom (and everywhere else they did the deed) was scorching! **Fans self** However, when the steam settled, they both processed things a bit differently. I’m not going to lie, but this got a bit angsty. Danika wants more from Tristan, but he’s too stubborn to see what’s right in front of him. No worries, it all works out (sort of). These two faced so many heartbreaking roadblocks to be together, but in the end, their story was far from over. I’m just relieved that book two was out. Oh yea. I’m hooked.

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