November is looking forward to getting to know her father and the safety of a small town. After leaving the Big Apple and her bad memories for Tennessee, November starts working for her dad at his strip club doing the books. The one time she’s allowed there during club hours she runs into Asher Mayson. He’s perfect until he opens his mouth and makes assumptions. November wants nothing to do with Asher but too bad for November, fate has other plans.
Asher Mayson has never had a problem getting a woman, that is until November. Now all he can think about is making November his and keeping her safe.
Asher Mayson has never had a problem getting a woman, that is until November. Now all he can think about is making November his and keeping her safe.
Warning 18+ sexual content and a strong Alpha Male.

3.25-3.5 Stars
“So the Mayson curse is real. Fall in love on sight and all that bullshit.”
Ok. I’m a little torn as to what to rate this book. I really enjoyed it for the most part, but there were a lot of things that annoyed me.
I normally don’t mind the whole insta-love thing, but I really didn’t get why the Hero had such a hard-on for the heroine. Honestly, I thought what’s-her-name, oh yeah, November, was just an okay heroine. I mean, her name is part of the book’s title for pete’s sake and yet, I still forgot her name. Umm, yea, she’s pretty forgettable as the heroine.
I’m in an Asher fog.
Normally when I’m swooning over a Hero, I’m in a beautiful, blissful haze. Normally. However, the expression Asher fog was used WAY too much. I even decided to search the term on my Kindle and it stated that it was used ten times. Umm, are you sure? Cuz I swear it was used more than that. Ugh! Use a thesaurus or something. Asher fog, Asher fog, Asher fog… yada, yada, yada…**eye roll** You get my point.
“All I have to offer you is stability and love. I have nothing else. If you left me tomorrow, some other guy would be there giving you the same thing I do. You’re beautiful, funny, smart, kind. And the se, fuck me, sex with you is off the charts. If you left me—Christ!” He closed his eyes, shaking his head. “If you left me, I would never be able to find another you. Someone who fills my life with the beauty that only you give me.”
I do love Asher Mayson, our uber-possessive-protective-tattooed-Alpha. I’m such a sucker for Heroes like him, but like I said before, I just didn’t know what he saw in November.
I really hate being harsh, but sometimes I can’t help it. However I do have to admit that I did like the story, but it just didn’t wow me like I hoped it would. Honestly, if it wasn’t for Asher, I don’t know if I could’ve finished this book. But please don’t let my review deter you. To each their own, you know? I see a lot of positive reviews and I can see why people would love this, but alas, I wasn’t one of those people.
Oh! Before I go, I do have to say one huge positive thing: I CANNOT WAIT for the next book! It’s going to be Trevor & Liz’s story. We got a preview of it at the end of this story and I seriously want this story in my hands NOW.
“So the Mayson curse is real. Fall in love on sight and all that bullshit.”
Ok. I’m a little torn as to what to rate this book. I really enjoyed it for the most part, but there were a lot of things that annoyed me.
I normally don’t mind the whole insta-love thing, but I really didn’t get why the Hero had such a hard-on for the heroine. Honestly, I thought what’s-her-name, oh yeah, November, was just an okay heroine. I mean, her name is part of the book’s title for pete’s sake and yet, I still forgot her name. Umm, yea, she’s pretty forgettable as the heroine.
I’m in an Asher fog.
Normally when I’m swooning over a Hero, I’m in a beautiful, blissful haze. Normally. However, the expression Asher fog was used WAY too much. I even decided to search the term on my Kindle and it stated that it was used ten times. Umm, are you sure? Cuz I swear it was used more than that. Ugh! Use a thesaurus or something. Asher fog, Asher fog, Asher fog… yada, yada, yada…**eye roll** You get my point.
“All I have to offer you is stability and love. I have nothing else. If you left me tomorrow, some other guy would be there giving you the same thing I do. You’re beautiful, funny, smart, kind. And the se, fuck me, sex with you is off the charts. If you left me—Christ!” He closed his eyes, shaking his head. “If you left me, I would never be able to find another you. Someone who fills my life with the beauty that only you give me.”
I do love Asher Mayson, our uber-possessive-protective-tattooed-Alpha. I’m such a sucker for Heroes like him, but like I said before, I just didn’t know what he saw in November.
I really hate being harsh, but sometimes I can’t help it. However I do have to admit that I did like the story, but it just didn’t wow me like I hoped it would. Honestly, if it wasn’t for Asher, I don’t know if I could’ve finished this book. But please don’t let my review deter you. To each their own, you know? I see a lot of positive reviews and I can see why people would love this, but alas, I wasn’t one of those people.
Oh! Before I go, I do have to say one huge positive thing: I CANNOT WAIT for the next book! It’s going to be Trevor & Liz’s story. We got a preview of it at the end of this story and I seriously want this story in my hands NOW.
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