The third sexy novel in USA TODAY bestselling author Alice Clayton’s playful and erotic Redhead series continues the sizzling romance between actress Grace Sheridan and Hollywood’s hottest leading man Jack Hamilton.
Grace has landed the lead in a new TV series—but when the director asks her to lose fifteen pounds, she goes public with her weight struggles and suddenly develops a huge fan club who support her right to have curves. But between that and the public’s continuing fascination with her “are they or aren’t they” relationship with Jack, Grace begins to wonder if anyone’s really interested in her because of her upcoming TV series, or if it’s all speculation about the size of her ass and her bedroom partner.
Meanwhile, Jack is voted the Sexiest Man Alive and becomes a little too enamored with the party-hard lifestyle. Grace vows to give him the space he needs to find himself, but then he begins to spiral down from lovable Brit to Hollywood brat. People are talking, but are Jack and Grace? Her career is on the rise, and his continues into the stratosphere, but will she be able to catch him if he falls? Will they ever be able to just be a couple who can hold hands when they walk down the street?

Four Stars
I am such a HUGE fan
of this series. LIKE. HUGE! I’ve
read the first two books, like, a million times. You don’t know how much this
couple means to me; how much this series means to me. Jack is my all-time
favorite Brit Book Boyfriend. He was my first non Mr. Darcy, non-PNR and completely Adult contemporary Brit
Boyfriend. Jack means the world to me. And as for Grace, well she’s just
fucking fantastic. I love that she was older, curvier, whip-smart and flat out
fun as hell.
This is so bittersweet for me. I can’t believe it’s finally
over. OMG, I think I’m starting to freak out now. I mean, there will be no more
George & Gracie.
No more Sweet Nuts & Nuts Girl.
No more sexy British accent.
No more hitting the J-spot.
No more happy trails or sparkling boobies.
No more Golden Girls.
No more scratching of Jack’s head.
No more super sexy Scientist Guy.
No more sexy lip biting.
No more schmaltz.
No more Jack & Grace.
Yup, it’s official: I’m tearing up.
**Possible spoilers below**
For those looking for same funny moments similar to those in the
previous books, you will be a little disappointed to know that this didn’t
really contain a lot of those laugh out loud
moments. This one had a little more drama and little more emotion to it.
It wasn’t perfect and I have to admit that I was a little
nervous when I first started. I loved where book two ended, but a huge part of
me craved for more. When I first read the synopsis to this, my first thought was,
“oh, fuck! Nothing better happen my Jack and Grace.” I was so freaking nervous.
But let me ease your minds a bit by saying it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Yes,
Jack was a bit of a knob in this story, but rest assured, he does prevail.
Speaking of my favorite Brit, I felt so much emotion for Jack.
He was spiraling out of control and as much as Grace wanted to help him, he
just kept pushing her away. I didn’t like to see my perfect Brit behave this
way. Plus it didn’t help that they couldn’t be together publicly. I had such a
hard time believing the reasons why and as much as it frustrated me, I
eventually, yet albeit reluctantly, understood. But still. I wanted everyone in
the world to know that they were together. When that finally happened, I
literally had a huge, goofy, stupid smile on my face. I must’ve read that part
at least another three times because all I could think about was FINALLY! **Fist pump**
Le Sigh…
I really don’t know what else to say, except to say once again
that I will so miss this series. When I finished it, I was happy, yes, but it
was so bittersweet. What are the chances Ms. Clayton will give us an extended
epilogue or something? I would DIE of happiness for one more little snippet of
my favorite couple. But alas, I can only hope. At least I will always have
these books to turn to if I’m ever in a book funk. Jack and Grace have forever
imprinted themselves in my heart and in my soul. I just love this couple to
pieces. Thank you Ms. Clayton for giving us this series. Seriously. This series
is one of my all-time favorites and I’m glad you gave us proper closure to this
fantastic series. Just bloody brilliant.
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