Woods had his perfect life mapped out for him. Rise up the ranks of the family business. Marry the rich girl of his parents’ dreams. Pretend that wealth and privilege was all he’d ever wanted. Then a girl named Della breezed into town, a beautifully imperfect stranger who captured his heart and opened his eyes to a new kind of future. Woods is ready and willing to sacrifice everything for her when the sudden death of his father leaves him with his mother to care for and a business to manage.
Della is determined to be strong for Woods, even as she’s quietly falling to pieces. No matter how far from home she’s run, the ghosts of her past have never stopped haunting her. Struggling to hide her true feelings from Woods, Della fears she can’t be his rock without dragging him down into the darkness with her. But is she strong enough to let go of the last thing holding her together?

4.5 Stars!!!
I fell a little bit in love with Woods Kerrington the very moment that we met him in Fallen Too Far but I seriously fell head over heels in love with him when he met Della and they became this couple that fucking stole my heart!!
Picking up where we left off in the previous book, Woods brought Della home to Rosemary so that they could start their life. Now that his father had passed and Woods discovered that his grandfather has left everything, including The Kerrington Club to him, he has quite a bit on his plate. However, nothing, and I mean nothing can compete with his love and devotion to Della!!
Wow, to have the kind of undying love and devotion from the smoking hot Woods Kerrington....that is enough to make this chick swoon. HOLY HOTNESS BATMAN!!! And did I mention the dirty talk...Holy Shit, Woods is a master at it!! There is not as much in this installment as the last, but I'll take it!! :)
Anyway, sorry I tend to get distracted where Woods is concerned! So Woods is struggling with being away from Della, like at all!! Her constantly needs to know that she is alright. And Della is struggling with thinking that she is falling into the mental illness that plagued her mother. She is terrified that she is going to go crazy and never be able to give Woods a family or be enough for him.
After Della over hears something that is not what she thinks it is, she decides to leave him, for his own good!! Can you imagine what happens here?? Yeah, Woods goes fucking bat shit! And when he finds out that she called Tripp to get her, he goes nuclear!! With the help of his friends, he gets it together enough to, just barely, give her the time she needs. But he is not happy about it!!
“Hold her for me. Hold her tight. Don't let her be lonely. Don't let her hurt. Please.” ~ Woods to Tripp
I will not give anymore away, and there is a crap ton more to say, seriously! But I will promise you a HEA even if there are some tears and a tragedy along the way!! I am only knocking off half a star because I felt like a few parts of the book were a little rushed and I would have liked some elaboration in some places. But all in all, in my world, Abbi Glines can do no wrong and I can't wait to read more!! Grant's book in particular!!!
This passion between Woods and Della is like a living thing....