WARNING: STRINGS is not suitable for slut shamers, uptight stone throwers, Holier-Than-Thou prudes, humorless virgins, persons with chronic neck or back pain, pearl-clutching bitties, those who disparage crude humor or vulgarity in their many forms, closed-minded people with sticks up their asses, or anyone under the age of 18. The vile, base language and shocking, unholy sexual acts contained herein are not condoned by anyone with a lick of sense and should certainly not be reproduced without proper training and protection. The potty-mouthed and perpetually horny "heroine" (the term is used loosely) of this book does not resemble a normal, well-adjusted, or remotely believable person in any way, shape, or form. The author acknowledges that the characters in this book are shallow and two-dimensional; the plot is both ridiculous and insipid. She makes no apologies for any of it.
* Readers are strongly advised to wear latex gloves whilst reading to minimize contamination risks.
* Readers are strongly advised to wear latex gloves whilst reading to minimize contamination risks.
Free-spirited musician Letty Dillinger adheres to a strict, “no strings attached” policy when it comes to men. After a wild night of unabashed sex in a fancy hotel room, she never expects to see the adventurous stud she dubs “Shades” again. When her all-girl rock trio books a tour at the last minute as the opening act for their archenemies, Letty’s shocked to discover she knows the competition’s new lead singer. Intimately. Shades is no longer a one-night stand. Now he’s the guy she has to one-up on stage every night for the sake of her career.
Sharing close quarters on a bus with her sexy nemesis and his bad-boy buddies puts Letty’s Golden Rule to the test. On this tour, guitar strings aren’t the only things being played. And when heartstrings are pulled too hard, they’re bound to snap sooner or later.

Enough of this, I need some dick and another orgasm to go.
“WARNING: STRINGS is not suitable for slut shamers, uptight stone throwers, Holier-Than-Thou prudes, humorless virgins, persons with chronic neck or back pain, pearl-clutching bitties, those who disparage crude humor or vulgarity in their many forms, closed-minded people with sticks up their asses, or anyone under the age of 18. The vile, base language and shocking, unholy sexual acts contained herein are not condoned by anyone with a lick of sense and should certainly not be reproduced without proper training and protection. The potty-mouthed and perpetually horny "heroine" (the term is used loosely) of this book does not resemble a normal, well-adjusted, or remotely believable person in any way, shape, or form. The author acknowledges that the characters in this book are shallow and two-dimensional; the plot is both ridiculous and insipid. She makes no apologies for any of it.
* Readers are strongly advised to wear latex gloves whilst reading to minimize contamination risks.”
“WARNING: STRINGS is not suitable for slut shamers, uptight stone throwers, Holier-Than-Thou prudes, humorless virgins, persons with chronic neck or back pain, pearl-clutching bitties, those who disparage crude humor or vulgarity in their many forms, closed-minded people with sticks up their asses, or anyone under the age of 18. The vile, base language and shocking, unholy sexual acts contained herein are not condoned by anyone with a lick of sense and should certainly not be reproduced without proper training and protection. The potty-mouthed and perpetually horny "heroine" (the term is used loosely) of this book does not resemble a normal, well-adjusted, or remotely believable person in any way, shape, or form. The author acknowledges that the characters in this book are shallow and two-dimensional; the plot is both ridiculous and insipid. She makes no apologies for any of it.
* Readers are strongly advised to wear latex gloves whilst reading to minimize contamination risks.”
Four Stars
Hook. Line. Sinker.
OH. MY. GOD! With that warning, I was in love. I knew I had to read this. It literally called to me. Twisted, yes, but so what?! Sue me. LOL. I admit, I love crude humor, I love foul language, and goodness knows that I have no filter on my own sailor tongue. Just ask my husband. I drop the F-bomb like it’s part of the air I breathe. Oh, yea. This was going to be a fun read.
“All I want for my birthday is to get fucked unconscious with no strings attached.” Not a lie.
“What a coincidence, I’ve got a big dick, a bar tab, and the local cab company’s number on speed dial.” The guy’s eyes bore into me from behind the dark lenses, and I have a momentary lapse in vaginal secretion control.
Clean up on aisle twelve, stat!
Everyone, please welcome Letty Dillinger; she’s the newest member of my heroine-makes-me-want-turn-bi shelf. I fucking loved her. Reading this story in her POV was fantastic. Her thought process is crude, dirty and so in your face. She definitely made me smirk…a lot!
Fuck him like a Roman nympho whore with a flaming crotch, let him put it out with a cum spritzer, then run like hell.
All Letty wants is to make it in the music world. She lives to rock-n-roll; she craves it. So far, little is happening with her band. They’re kinda at a standstill. It was during her birthday, where she was wallowing in her non-existent career, that she meets Shades. Shades isn’t officially his real name, but rather a nickname she gives him. She only wants a night with him; one night to get her kink on. Hey, it’s her birthday after all and Shades is more than willing to be her birthday present. Just so you guys know, that first night they hook up… EPIC!!!!! It was HOT, DIRTY, KINKY, and just so FUCKING MEMORABLE.My imagination was overloaded with their perversion. My mind, and libido, totally went haywire. Yea, it was awesome. LOL.
“How’s it going there, buddy?”
“Aw, you know, just enjoying my daily dose of random cunt.” His slow grin kills me. Pure pleasure. Pure abandon. Pure sex. Gawd.
To be honest, I kinda remember the actual plot in this book, but the kinky relationship between Shades and Letty completely took center stage. Honestly, I had no problem whatsoever with that. I was too busy enjoying their antics. I know that fans of strong, sex-crazed, foul-mouthed heroines will enjoy this as much as I did.
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